Saturday, April 06, 2019

WORLD_ US poised to designate Iran's Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization


US poised to designate Iran's Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization

by Jerry Dunleavy | April 06, 2019 03:58 PM

The Trump administration could designate an element of Iran's military as a foreign terrorist organization as soon as Monday in an unusual move, according to multiple reports.

Though the State Department has long labeled Iran the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, it has never before classified a branch of a foreign government’s military as a terrorist group.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is a powerful branch of Iran’s Armed Forces and, along with its Quds Force, supports terrorists elsewhere in the world, guides Iran's global proxies, carries out cyberattacks and assassinations, funds missile development, and wields huge influence both inside the country and around the region.

The Treasury Department took a step in this direction in 2017, when it labeled the Revolutionary Guard as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist, which made it easier for the U.S. to combat Iran's terrorism funding by targeting its financing.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has reportedly wanted to label the Revolutionary Guard a terrorist group since he accepted the job.




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