Thursday, April 04, 2019

WORLD_ Accused New Zealand mosque shooter returns to court



Accused New Zealand mosque shooter returns to court

The Aussie man accused of shooting 50 people dead in the Christchurch mosque attacks has faced court today.

Ben Graham
and AAP
April 5, 2019 8:19am

Christchurch terrorist charged with 50 murders

The Australian man arrested over a terror attack on two mosques in New Zealand will undergo mental health tests before his case proceeds.

Three weeks on from the shootings that killed 50, Brenton Tarrant, 28, appeared today via videolink at the High Court at Christchurch, where 50 counts of murder and 39 of attempted murder were laid.

A silent and largely motionless Tarrant appeared on a large screen in the courtroom, a small cell showing in the background.

The courtroom’s public gallery was packed by dozens of friends and families of the victims, some who stared quietly at the defendant throughout.

During the half-hour hearing Justice Cameron Mander ordered Tarrant undergo two assessments to determine whether he may be mentally impaired, legally insane or fit to stand trial.

Brenton Tarrant appeared in court via video link today.Source:AFP




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