Friday, April 05, 2019

NORTH KOREA_ North Korean Dictator Seeks Russian Strongman for Support, Friendship



North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un failed to win desired relief from sanctions at a summit with President Trump in Hanoi in March. MANAN VATSYAYANA/PRESS POOL

North Korean Dictator Seeks Russian Strongman for Support, Friendship

Kim Jong Un, looking for help in effort to end sanctions, is expected to meet Vladimir Putin

By Andrew Jeong
April 5, 2019 10:00 a.m. ET

SEOUL—With little progress to show from two nuclear summits with the U.S., North Korea is turning to an old friend—Moscow—as leader Kim Jong Un tries to chart a course toward winning relief from sanctions and economic isolation.

Preparations are under way for Mr. Kim’s first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin’s spokesman said in early March, adding that the date and location are being worked out. South Korean intelligence officials said last week that Mr. Kim’s chief of staff—who traveled to Singapore...



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