Sunday, April 07, 2019

EDITORIAL_ Trump’s jobs-creating ‘magic wand’



Trump’s jobs-creating ‘magic wand’

By Post Editorial Board

April 7, 2019 | 8:46pm | Updated

Getty Images

It’s not often that a president delivers exactly what he promised for the US economy, but this one has. Specifically, President Trump has delivered not just solid job growth, but also rising wages. This, when his critics called it impossible.

March saw nonfarm payrolls grow by 196,000, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports — a major rebound from the slowdown in the first two months of the year. And wages grew 3.2 percent over the last 12 months, markedly faster than inflation.

Unemployment was 3.8 percent in March, and has been at or below 4 percent for 13 straight months. This is what economists usually call “full employment,” but the gains keep coming in part because millions who’d given up on even looking for work — and so were no longer counted as “unemployed” — have rejoined the workforce.

All this, even as Democrats have routinely denounced Trump in the same terms they’ve slammed every Republican for decades, as merely favoring the rich.




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