"Một tấc đất của tiền nhân để lại, cũng không được để lọt vào tay kẻ khác".
Ta cũng để lời nhắn nhủ đó như một lời di chúc cho muôn đời con cháu.
(Di Chúc của Vua Trần Nhân Tôn).
By Brooke Crothers, Fox News August 30, 2018 | 2:41pm
Many email scams are effective because they’re so straightforward, a new report says.
About 60 percent of business email fraud does not involve a malicious link, but rather a plain text message that can be surprisingly effective when wording and context seem authentic, according to a report released Thursday by Barracuda Networks.
“The attack is simply a plain text email intended to fool the recipient to commit a wire transfer or send sensitive information,” Barracuda said in its report. Phishing email, on the other hand, typically tries to get you to click on a malicious link.
The ABA Just Gave Brett Kavanaugh Its Highest Possible Rating
2:23 PM 08/31/2018
Kevin Daley | Supreme Court Reporter
The American Bar Association’s (ABA) standing committee on the judiciary released its evaluation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh Friday, awarding him a unanimous “well-qualified” rating.
The ABA panel issues its evaluation based on a variety of measures including integrity, professional competence and judicial temperament.
“The committee’s objective is to provide impartial peer evaluations of the professional qualifications of judicial nominees in order to assist the Senate Judiciary Committee in assessing whether such individuals should be confirmed by the Senate,” an ABA memo detailing the process reads.
The “well-qualified” rating is the highest score the ABA attaches to a nominee. Justice Neil Gorsuch, President Donald Trump’s first nominee to the high court, also received a “well-qualified” score.
*** Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm "conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog" Xin được lắng nghe ý kiến chia sẻ của Quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk:1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc . Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị .
conbenho Tiểu Muội quantu Nguyễn Hoài Trang 01092018 ___________ Cộng sản Việt Nam là TỘI ÁC Bao che, dung dưỡng TỘI ÁC là ĐỒNG LÕA với TỘI ÁC
Trump to visit Ireland, South America after marking Veterans Day in France
by Steven Nelson
| August 31, 2018 04:06 PM
President Trump will spend Veterans Day in France after the failure of his plan to host a grand military parade in the nation's capital, the White House confirmed Friday, followed by a visit to Ireland and South America.
Trump recently abandoned plans for the military parade, and blamed his decision on local officials for placing a high price tag on the controversial event. Trump asked the Pentagon to plan the parade through D.C. after witnessing French Bastille Day ceremonies during his first year in office.
Veterans Day falls on Nov. 11, the anniversary of the end of World War I, known internationally as Armistice Day. Trump initially announced his plan to visit France in a pair of mid-August tweets canceling the parade.
Japan to Spend Billions on U.S. Missile-Defense System
President Trump has called for Tokyo buy more American military equipment to reduce its trade surplus with Washington and its dependency on U.S. protection
By Alastair Gale and
Chieko Tsuneoka Aug. 31, 2018 1:31 a.m. ET
TOKYO—Japan is set to pay $2.1 billion for a new U.S. missile-defense system, one of its largest military acquisitions, as pressure from President Trump accelerates Tokyo’s spending on American military hardware.
Japan is already among the biggest global buyers of U.S. arms, ranking alongside countries in the Middle East in recent years with purchases of F-35 stealth jet fighters and Global Hawk unmanned surveillance aircraft.
Don’t let billionaires set priorities for attorneys general
By Post Editorial Board
August 30, 2018 | 7:02pm
Michael Bloomberg
Getty Images
If a pro-life gazillionaire were giving funds to state attorneys general to go after Planned Parenthood, the left would quite rightly go bonkers. But ex-Mayor Mike Bloomberg is doing much the same, except he’s paying AGs to pursue green-energy litigation. It’s still wrong.
The Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Chris Horner this week released a report uncovering this off-the-books appropriation of public power to serve one man’s priorities.
Even a losing case can still have a chilling effect — and the targets must waste resources defending themselves.
The New York AG’s office took one of these grants while now-disgraced Eric Schneiderman was in charge. How many of the candidates to replace him think it’s a good idea to let billionaires direct the agenda of “the people’s attorney”?
*** Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm "conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog" Xin được lắng nghe ý kiến chia sẻ của Quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk:1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc . Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị .
conbenho Tiểu Muội quantu Nguyễn Hoài Trang 01092018 ___________ Cộng sản Việt Nam là TỘI ÁC Bao che, dung dưỡng TỘI ÁC là ĐỒNG LÕA với TỘI ÁC
Tammy Bruce: Too much of Trump's time is spent cleaning up Obama's and the Democrats' deadly messes
By Tammy Bruce | The Washington Times
Geraldo goes inside America's opioid crisis Geraldo Rivera joined a task force of the DEA, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and local authorities during a federal drug investigation of pharmacies in Tennessee.
The legacy media’s ongoing obsession with President Trump as they work to destroy his presidency has a side benefit for those who want a return of the establishment status quo: There isn’t much coverage of a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report. The Washington Times headline said it all, “CDC: 72,000 died from drug overdoses in 2017, 42,000 from opioids.”
Think about that: 72,000 Americans dead, in one year, due to overdoses.
“The death toll is higher than the peak yearly death totals from HIV, car crashes, or gun deaths,” reported The New York Times. “Analysts pointed to two major reasons for the increase: A growing number of Americans are using opioids, and drugs are becoming more deadly …” noted the newspaper.
DOJ's Bruce Ohr kept Mueller deputy 'in the loop' about anti-Trump dossier, sources say
By Catherine Herridge | Fox News
Sources: Ohr kept Mueller deputy 'in the loop' on dossier
Justice Department official Bruce Ohr had contact in 2016 with Andrew Weissmann, now a top Robert Mueller deputy, as well as other senior FBI officials about the anti-Trump dossier, two sources tell Fox News; reaction and analysis from Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett and Fox News contributor Sara Carter.
Embattled Justice Department official Bruce Ohr had contact in 2016 with then-colleague Andrew Weissmann, who is now a top Robert Mueller deputy, as well as other senior FBI officials about the controversial anti-Trump dossier and the individuals behind it, two sources close to the matter told Fox News.
The sources said Ohr's outreach about the dossier – as well as its author, ex-British spy Christopher Steele; the opposition research firm behind it, Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS; and his wife Nellie Ohr's work for Fusion – occurred before and after the FBI fired Steele as a source over his media contacts. Ohr's network of contacts on the dossier included: former FBI agent Peter Strzok; former FBI lawyer Lisa Page; former deputy director Andrew McCabe; Weissmann and at least one other DOJ official; and a current FBI agent who worked with Strzok on the Russia case.
Weissmann was kept "in the loop" on the dossier, a source said, while he was chief of the criminal fraud division. He is now assigned to Special Counsel Mueller’s team.
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent the views of Townhall.com.
Guess what? President Trump just won- again. Trump just made the impossible, possible- again. Trump just made Mexico pay for the wall. More on that in a moment.
But first, I must report on “the biggest loser.” That would be New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. He reported “America was never great.”
Well I’m here to report that America is the greatest country in world history. And I know why. Because we’re blessed by God. I know it’s not politically correct to say that. But like President Trump, I only report the raw truth.
You can bet he’s gotten Mexico to pay for the wall- his No. 1 promise of the election.You can bet we will now begin building the wall. Just as I knew his popularity would go up after the terrible week of guilty pleas and nonstop media assaults last week.
Writing a book on the remarkable, one-in-a-billion “Trump Rules of Success” is easy. The book just keeps writing itself. Every week comes a new victory none of Trump’s critics ever believed possible. Trump just keeps writing the book for me!
Thank you, Mr. President. You really are THE GREATEST!
*** Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm "conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog" Xin được lắng nghe ý kiến chia sẻ của Quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk:1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc . Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị .
conbenho Tiểu Muội quantu Nguyễn Hoài Trang 31082018 ___________ Cộng sản Việt Nam là TỘI ÁC Bao che, dung dưỡng TỘI ÁC là ĐỒNG LÕA với TỘI ÁC
Why is CNN avoiding the truth about Lanny Davis’ lies?
By Post Editorial Board
August 29, 2018 | 7:54pm
Last Thursday, we asked how long it would take before Lanny Davis again changed his story about what his client, Michael Cohen, knows about President Trump. It turned out to be four days.
Meanwhile, CNN is standing by a story that relied in part on claims that Davis now says he never should’ve made.
It all started with last month’s bombshell CNN report that Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney, was claiming his then-boss knew in advance of the 2016 Trump Tower meeting between campaign officials and a Russian operative.
The CNN story said outright that Davis had declined comment, implying that he wasn’t a source — even though Davis now says he was, and CNN admits it. That same night, Davis confirmed the story anonymously to this newspaper and to The Washington Post.
Davis, meanwhile, has also retracted at least two other claims about what Cohen “knows” about Trump. Maybe all those years as a Clinton spokesman just leave him unable to tell the truth, but what’s CNN’s excuse?
*** Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm "conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog" Xin được lắng nghe ý kiến chia sẻ của Quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk:1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc . Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị .
conbenho Tiểu Muội quantu Nguyễn Hoài Trang 31082018 ___________ Cộng sản Việt Nam là TỘI ÁC Bao che, dung dưỡng TỘI ÁC là ĐỒNG LÕA với TỘI ÁC
Clinton's emails were hacked by China, Trump says in tweet; appears to call for investigation
By Edmund DeMarche | Fox News
Report: China hacked Hillary Clinton's private email
Report claims China was hacking Hillary Clinton's private server in real time. Peter Schweizer gives his take on 'The Ingraham Angle.'
Hillary Clinton’s emails, including “many” that were classified, were hacked by China, President Trump tweeted early Wednesday before calling on the FBI and Department of Justice to make the “next move.”
Trump did not go into specific details about the apparent hacking, but the tweet came on the heels of a Daily Caller report that said a Chinese-owned company in Washington, D.C., hacked into Clinton's private server during her time as secretary of state, 2009 to 2013.
The Caller's report cited “two sources briefed on the matter."
The FBI and the DOJ did not immediately respond to Fox News early Wednesday for comment.
Vice President Pence says he believes Democrats will try to impeach President Trump if they regain the House in November's midterm elections, despite a lack of enthusiasm for the idea among the party's congressional leadership.
“They’re all talking about it, and so I take them at their word, even though some of them have decided to not talk about that quite so much,” Pence told the Christian Broadcasting Network in an interview published Wednesday.
“…Democrats essentially are saying, ‘we want more obstruction, we want more of the kind of controversy in Washington, D.C.’ It doesn’t really put anybody to work here in Michigan or anywhere across the country, doesn’t make our country safer or more prosperous,” he said.
*** Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm "conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog" Xin được lắng nghe ý kiến chia sẻ của Quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk:1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc . Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị .
conbenho Tiểu Muội quantu Nguyễn Hoài Trang 31082018 ___________ Cộng sản Việt Nam là TỘI ÁC Bao che, dung dưỡng TỘI ÁC là ĐỒNG LÕA với TỘI ÁC
German City Becomes Rallying Point for Anti-Immigration Protests
Demonstrations in recent days began after the violent death of a resident of the eastern city of Chemnitz
By Bertrand Benoit Updated Aug. 30, 2018 2:35 p.m. ET
BERLIN—The German city of Chemnitz saw renewed anti-immigration protests Thursday, five days after the violent death of a resident turned the city into a rallying point for far-right opponents of the government’s refugee policy.
The demonstrations, which turned violent at times, have shocked the country and are the latest manifestation of the divisions caused by the influx of close to two million asylum seekers since 2015.
Gohmert: Watchdog Found Clinton Emails Were Sent To ‘Foreign Entity’
6:08 PM 07/12/2018
Luke Rosiak | Investigative Reporter
VIDEO: Gohmert Grills Strzok on Bias & Emails Sent To Unauthorized Source
A member of the House Committee on the Judiciary said during a hearing Thursday that a government watchdog found that nearly all of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails were sent to a foreign entity and that the FBI didn’t follow-up on that finding.
The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found an “anomaly on Hillary Clinton’s emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except four, over 30,000, were going to an address that was not on the distribution list,” Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas said during a hearing with FBI official Peter Strzok.
“It was going to an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia,” he added.
Gohmert said the ICIG investigator, Frank Rucker, presented the findings to Strzok, but that the FBI official did not do anything with the information.
Lawmakers Push to Sanction Chinese Officials Over Xinjiang Camps
Sen. Rubio and 16 other members of Congress call for moves in a letter
to Pompeo and Mnuchin
Photo: A screen showed Chinese President Xi Jinping in China's Xinjiang
region last year. Photo: Ng Han Guan/Associated Press
By Josh Chin and
Eva Dou Updated Aug. 29, 2018 4:09 p.m. ET
BEIJING — Members of Congress are pressuring the Trump administration to
confront Beijing over the mass roundup of Muslims in internment camps,
urging travel and financial sanctions be clamped on senior Chinese
officials involved in the detentions.
In a letter sent Wednesday to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio
and 16 other members of Congress from both parties called for the
sanctions on seven Chinese officials and two businesses that make
surveillance equipment.
A Wall Street Journal investigation reveals what goes on inside China's
growing network of internment camps, where hundreds of thousands of
ethnic Uighurs are believed to have been detained. Screenshot/Video:
Clément Bürge
*** Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm "conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog" Xin được lắng nghe ý kiến chia sẻ của Quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk:1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc . Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị .
conbenho Tiểu Muội quantu Nguyễn Hoài Trang 30082018 ___________ Cộng sản Việt Nam là TỘI ÁC Bao che, dung dưỡng TỘI ÁC là ĐỒNG LÕA với TỘI ÁC
Not so long ago, editors and reporters dreaded the dog days of August because news took a vacation. Now the news never stops.
The challenge today is to make sense of the gusher of apocalyptic-sounding eruptions, claims and predictions. Here’s my view of what’s happening to our country.
America is being scandalized by four enormous events that are happening simultaneously. By scandalized, I mean that people are shocked and outraged at what they regard as breaches of acceptable behavior or morality.
Gregg Jarrett: The scheme from Bruce Ohr and Comey's confederates to clear Clinton, damage Trump
OPINION - By Gregg Jarrett | Fox News
What questions will Bruce Ohr face on Capitol Hill? DOJ official Bruce Ohr is set to testify before a closed-door session of the House Oversight Committee.
Editor's note: This op-ed is based on the author’s book “The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump.”
Director James Comey knew the FBI was incorruptible. This is precisely why he seized control of the investigation of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s email practices covering her time as secretary of state, instead of allowing the FBI field office to conduct the probe.
By commandeering control of the investigation, Comey and his confederates could twist the facts and contort the law to dictate the outcome they desired. Clinton was the beneficiary of what FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe reportedly described as the “HQ special.”
The same is true of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. The very people who cleared Clinton of crimes – despite strong evidence that she broke the law – also assumed unfettered authority over the so-called “collusion” investigation to determine if Donald Trump’s presidential campaign worked with Russia to help Trump become president.
Yahoo, Bucking Industry, Scans Emails for Data to Sell Advertisers
Web giant analyzes more than 200 million inboxes for clues about what products people might buy—a practice much of Silicon Valley has declared off-limits
By Douglas MacMillan,
Sarah Krouse and
Keach Hagey Aug. 28, 2018 10:36 a.m. ET
The U.S. tech industry has largely declared it is off limits to scan emails for information to sell to advertisers. Yahoo still sees the practice as a potential gold mine.
Yahoo’s owner, the Oath unit of Verizon Communications Inc., has been pitching a service to advertisers that analyzes more than 200 million Yahoo Mail inboxes and the rich user data they contain, searching for clues about what products those users might buy, said people who have attended Oath’s presentations as well as current and former employees of the...
The Catholic abuse scandal now leads all the to way the Vatican
By Sohrab Ahmari August 27, 2018 | 7:11pm | Updated
Carlo Maria Viganò
Getty Images
An ecclesial straight shooter. A reliable character. A serious man. That’s how sources familiar with Carlo Maria Viganò describe the Italian archbishop, who served as the Vatican ambassador to the United States from 2011 to 2016. His reputation makes the publication Saturday of Viganò’s written “testimony” about the Theodore McCarrick affair all the more inconvenient for those in the Catholic hierarchy who tried to bury the truth about the disgraced American prelate.
The core claim in the 11-page document is that a high-powered circle of silence for years abetted McCarrick’s career, despite his well-known penchant for sexual abuse. The circle of silence, Viganò says, included the current successor of Saint Peter. In a cryptic statement to reporters on Sunday, Pope Francis refused to confirm or deny the allegations, instead urging them to “read the document carefully and judge it for yourselves.”
China’s military has big aspirations – The US needs to be prepared if war breaks out
By Harry J. Kazianis | Fox News
VIDEO: Pentagon warns China likely training for strikes on US An annual public report to Congress echoes public warnings from top Pentagon officials that China remains the U.S. military's biggest long-term challenge; national security correspondent Jennifer Griffin reports.
Every year the Pentagon releases a report detailing how China’s military capabilities are growing deadlier and more technologically sophisticated. This year, the media jumped on the notion that China is likely training for bombing strikes against American targets and also strengthening its nuclear capabilities.
That sounds scary – but it’s just the tip of the iceberg.
In fact, China’s military has much bigger aspirations. Beijing has been preparing for decades for what seems almost impossible: an all-out war against America if relations were to take a turn for the worse or if Washington threatened what the Chinese leadership considers its core interests.
Since the mid-1980s, China has slowly rebuilt its armed forces for a struggle against America. The Chinese correctly predicting that the Soviet Union – while a threat at the time – was in decline, and that Washington would challenge any move by Beijing to dominate Asia.
Iran Signs Deal With Syria to Deepen Military Cooperation
Agreement comes as U.S. and Israel push for Tehran’s complete withdrawal from the country
By Asa Fitch in Dubai and
Sune Rasmussen in Beirut Aug. 27, 2018 9:27 a.m. ET
Iran said Monday that it had agreed to a deal to deepen military cooperation with Syria, reaffirming its intention to remain in the country despite moves by the U.S. and its allies to contain Tehran’s military reach.
Iran and Syria reached the deal following meetings Sunday between their defense ministers and Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad, according to Iran’s semiofficial Tasnim News Agency. The report offered no further details. Syrian state-linked media said the two sides reaffirmed the need the develop long-term cooperation,...
Russia and Syria are using pre-emptive fake news to prepare for a new chemical weapons attack
by Tom Rogan
| August 27, 2018 04:27 PM
If Assad uses chemical weapons again, the U.S. should respond with a magic trick that makes Damascus' Umayyad Square disappear.
(Mikhail Klimentyev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP, File)
Russia is an expert at fake news. But pre-emptive fake news? Well, that's a new one.
Russia, Iran, and Syria are now spreading a fake news claim that western powers are preparing a chemical weapons attack in Syria. According to these nations' propaganda outlets, the conspiracy has involved kidnapping dozens of children who will be used as victims at the attack site. They say the U.S. will then blame Assad for the attack and retaliate against him.
Excuse my French, but it is total crap.
What's actually going on here is that Assad and his Russian and Iranian axis cronies are pre-emptively shaping coverage of their own atrocity. Planning new chemical weapons attacks alongside an assault on rebel redoubts in Idlib province, the axis want to avoid any U.S. military response. Thus, by presenting Assad's looming atrocity as a complex western plot to undercut his regime, the axis hope to attract international calls against U.S. retaliation.
McCain’s final words: ‘Do not despair our present difficulties’
By Post Staff Report August 27, 2018 | 2:05pm | Updated
Getty Images
Here is the final statement from Sen. John McCain, which was read Monday by Rick Davis, his former presidential campaign manager and a family spokesman, at the Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix, Arizona:
“My fellow Americans, whom I have gratefully served for sixty years, and especially my fellow Arizonans,
“Thank you for the privilege of serving you and for the rewarding life that service in uniform and in public office has allowed me to lead. I have tried to serve our country honorably. I have made mistakes, but I hope my love for America will be weighed favorably against them.
“I have often observed that I am the luckiest person on earth. I feel that way even now as I prepare for the end of my life. I have loved my life, all of it. I have had experiences, adventures and friendships enough for ten satisfying lives, and I am so thankful. Like most people, I have regrets. But I would not trade a day of my life, in good or bad times, for the best day of anyone else’s.
“I owe that satisfaction to the love of my family. No man ever had a more loving wife or children he was prouder of than I am of mine. And I owe it to America. To be connected to America’s causes – liberty, equal justice, respect for the dignity of all people – brings happiness more sublime than life’s fleeting pleasures. Our identities and sense of worth are not circumscribed but enlarged by serving good causes bigger than ourselves.
“‘Fellow Americans’ – that association has meant more to me than any other. I lived and died a proud American. We are citizens of the world’s greatest republic, a nation of ideals, not blood and soil. We are blessed and are a blessing to humanity when we uphold and advance those ideals at home and in the world. We have helped liberate more people from tyranny and poverty than ever before in history. We have acquired great wealth and power in the process.
“We weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries that have sown resentment and hatred and violence in all the corners of the globe. We weaken it when we hide behind walls, rather than tear them down, when we doubt the power of our ideals, rather than trust them to be the great force for change they have always been.
“We are three-hundred-and-twenty-five million opinionated, vociferous individuals. We argue and compete and sometimes even vilify each other in our raucous public debates. But we have always had so much more in common with each other than in disagreement. If only we remember that and give each other the benefit of the presumption that we all love our country we will get through these challenging times. We will come through them stronger than before. We always do.
“Ten years ago, I had the privilege to concede defeat in the election for president. I want to end my farewell to you with the heartfelt faith in Americans that I felt so powerfully that evening.
“I feel it powerfully still.
“Do not despair of our present difficulties but believe always in the promise and greatness of America, because nothing is inevitable here. Americans never quit. We never surrender. We never hide from history. We make history.
“Farewell, fellow Americans. God bless you, and God bless America.”
Iran's Strait of Hormuz control stokes tensions, could prompt US response
By Travis Fedschun | Fox News
Iran warns it has full control of Persian Gulf
Iran pushes back on debilitating sanctions by seizing the Strait of Hormuz; Benjamin Hall reports on the latest move in the escalating tensions with the U.S.
A major shipping route located between Oman and Iran where nearly one-third of the world's sea-traded oil passes through daily may become a new flashpoint after a top Iranian Navy general said Monday that the country has taken full control of the Strait of Hormuz.
The head of the navy of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, Gen. Alireza Tangsiri, said that Iran had full control of both the Persian Gulf itself and the Strait of Hormuz that leads into it, Reuters reported.
The strait, which at its narrowest point is 21 miles wide, has shipping lanes that are 2 miles wide in each direction and is the only sea passage from many of the world's largest oil producers to the Indian Ocean.
Michael Goodwin: Here's how Trump can survive the fierce attack against his presidency
OPINIONBy Michael Goodwin | Fox News
Trump blasts FBI's handling of Clinton email investigation President Trump accuses FBI of failing to examine 'tens of thousands' of Clinton emails
From Day One, President Trump has been fighting a war for survival on two fronts. One front involves law enforcement, led first by James Comey’s FBI and now by special counsel Robert Mueller. The other front is political, where Trump faces the resistance movement led by congressional Democrats.
But sift through the fog of last week’s dizzying headlines about guilty pleas, immunity deals and possible impeachment, and a clear picture emerges: The two fronts have united, with the anti-Trumpers in the Justice Department and those in politics now openly working hand-in-hand against him.
In the long slog to unseat the president, the official merger of the anti-Trump forces marks a dramatic turning point. For one thing, it shows beyond doubt that the Mueller probe is fundamentally tainted by partisan politics, with the latest example involving Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer. Inexplicably, Cohen’s case remains in control of Manhattan federal prosecutors.
The US attorney Trump appointed for that outpost, Geoffrey Berman, reportedly was ordered to recusehimself by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, leaving the office staffed mostly by holdovers from Preet Bharara’s tenure.
For all the glee of his opponents and media doomsaying, only a fool would count President Trump out. He’s bounced back from the brink before and there are three reasons why he could do it again.
Uncontrolled Immigration Seemingly Baked into System
Bruce Bialosky
Posted: Aug 26, 2018 12:01 AM
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent the views of Townhall.com.
One of the great joys of writing my column comes when I get to interact with real experts on issues. Sometimes they educate me and sometimes I have a tete-a-tete that defines a significant difference on a major policy point. I had that with a noted policy person on the issue of immigration.
My positions on immigration have been clearly delineated in the column previously. I, like almost every American, treasure the benefits we derive from most all our immigrants. The problem is too many people have merged “legal” and “illegal” into the issue of immigration. I am against illegal immigration. It harms America and harms the illegal immigrants by having their first activity in America one that breaks our law. The fact that...
Trump's job approval rating unfazed by Paul Manafort conviction, Michael Cohen guilty plea: Polls
by Naomi Lim | August 26, 2018 12:44 PM
President Trump's job approval rating hardly wavered after former campaign chairman Paul Manafort's conviction and ex-personal lawyer Michael Cohen's guilty plea on Tuesday, according to the results of pair of polls released Sunday.