Monday, July 31, 2023

U.S._ Andy Biggs Reveals the Damning Devon Archer Testimony About the 'Big Guy'


Andy Biggs Reveals the Damning Devon Archer Testimony About the 'Big Guy'

By Nick Arama | 8:00 PM on July 31, 2023

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

Rep. Andy Biggs talks to reporters after House Oversight Committee interview with Devon Archer. (Credit: Fox News)

We have all kinds of stories popping off about the Devon Archer testimony before the House Oversight Committee.

How bad was it? You knew it was bad when Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) was the first one out the door commenting on the matter, trying to downplay what Archer was saying, but in the process, revealing that Archer was delivering a body blow to the Bidens’ narrative. Goldman revealed that Archer did confirm the story about Joe Biden being on phone calls into business meetings approximately 20 times. Goldman also tripped all over himself, claiming that Joe Biden never said he hadn’t talked to any of Hunter Biden’s business associates. Goldman claimed that Joe Biden said he had “nothing to do” with Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Well, that’s wrong, too, based on the evidence we have from emails, photos, and witnesses, including Archer. As my colleague Jennifer Van Laar
observed, the whole point of putting the elder Biden on the phone was to give weight to Hunter’s influence, to show he could get Joe at the drop of a hat. Doubtless, there’s more that Goldman doesn’t want to talk about that is going to come out when the transcript comes out.

Goldman also
slung some utter nonsense about the Shokin firing being bad for Burisma, which is nonsensical since, as we’ve noted, Viktor Shokin, the Prosecutor General, was investigating Mykola Zlochevsky, the Burisma head. Moreover, Burisma executives and Hunter Biden were talking about trying to get cases against them shut down. Goldman then tried to tug at the heartstrings by claiming the calls between Joe and Hunter were in the wake of Beau Biden dying. Come on, man! That’s how you know they’re getting desperate, as all the pieces of the puzzle are now coming out.

That wasn’t going over well, and George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley
pointed out how this exposed that Joe Biden had “lied for years,” and now Congress needs to get to the question of “why did he lie?” He also noted the Devon Archer testimony that they sold “access” as their “brand.” Fox’s Chad Pergram also laid out some of the examples given by Archer of the sale of the “brand.”




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