Saturday, January 07, 2023

U.S._ Speaker Battle Means Our Republic Lives On


Speaker Battle Means Our Republic Lives On


By Brig Gen (ret) Blaine Holt
Friday, 06 January 2023 10:57 AM EST
Current | Bio | Archive

Dr. (Benjamin) Franklin, we have a pulse, maybe even a strong enough heartbeat.

Our republic is alive, albeit on life-support.

The heavy hand of the swamp seeks to deal the final death blow to our nation as Founded.

In December’s final weeks, it seemed America’s demise was all but sealed.

Beltway influencers and elected swamp cretons wielding the power to punish the electorate have taken great lengths to crush the American spirit.

Inflation-inducing money printing, censorship and cancelation, civil liberty rollups, election shenanigans, show hearings, and purposefully unprotected borders have tested the strength of the republic and the resolve of we the people.




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