Townhall - Tipsheet - Matt Vespa
Here Are the Two Congresswomen Who Heckled Biden Relentlessly
Matt Vespa | @mvespa1 | Posted: Mar 02, 2022 2:35 PM
Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) were the all-stars last night. They made a disorganized, sloppy, and messy State of the Union entertaining. They also weren’t going to let Joe Biden get away glossing over the truth. They heckled him. It probably triggered liberal America, but they should know by now they don’t care what you think about them. They will also be disruptive when need be and ruffle feathers. This is why they were sent to Washington. They will not be silent women. They shouted “build the wall” and reminded Biden that 13 soldiers were killed during his chaotic and ignominious exit from Afghanistan when he tried to gloss over that disastrous moment for his administration (via NBC News):
Biden references fallen US soldiers returning home in a flag-draped coffin.
From the audience: "13 of them!"
— (@townhallcom) March 2, 2022
Greene was heard grumbling through the entire part of Biden's speech about Covid policy before she shouted a remark about women's sports when Biden mentioned new laws targeting transgender Americans and their families.
Boebert and Greene tried to start a "build the wall" chant — a reference to former President Donald Trump's calls to construct a wall across the U.S. southern border — when Biden referred to securing the border and reforming immigration law.