Judicial Watch: China Was Witholding COVID Data As Early As January 2020 -- And Fauci Knew It
By Sarah Lee | Mar 04, 2022 6:15 PM ET
Dr. St. Anthony Fauci (I shamelessly stole that moniker from a colleague) seems to have suddenly begun to shun the spotlight. This is odd behavior for a man that embraced, during the two years of the pandemic, the notion that he was not only the face of the science (in fact he overtly claimed that he was), but that he was more than happy to have the spotlight and the mic, tough job though it was, to protect Americans and public health.
Well suddenly, Fauci isn’t screaming his song from the trees like a peacock — although he hasn’t completely disappeared. Yet.
Former CIA analyst and radio host Buck Sexton has an idea why.
READ MORE: https://redstate.com/slee/2022/03/04/judicial-watch-china-was-witholding-covid-data-as-early-as-january-2020-and-fauci-knew-it-n531013
What these emails seem to suggest is what most people have suspected all along, despite a general unwillingness for the mainstream press to report it: Fauci’s fingerprints were all over the Wuhan lab, the suspected site of the leak that unleashed COVID onto the world.
Is it possible that Fauci changed his tune about pandemic restrictions — dsepite having incomplete data that made an assessment on how to react to the pandemic difficult — because it was better to hide his agency’s involvement with the potential source of the leak behind a global panic?
That’s one of the questions Congress should ask the doctor if and when a full investigation starts into the COVID pandemic. And the threat of having to answer those questions may have made Dr. Fauci’s taste for the limelight a bit sour.