Townhall - Columnists - Dennis Prager
Trip to Vietnam Reconfirmed My Hatred of Communism
Dennis Prager | Posted: Feb 02, 2021 12:01 AM
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Source: AP Photo/Tran Van Minh, File
Ten years ago, I wrote a column reflecting on my reactions to visiting Vietnam. Given the lack of revulsion to, and even flirtation with, communism (or its more mildly named version, socialism) among many young Americans, it is worth revisiting.
It was difficult to control my emotions -- specifically, my anger -- during my visit to Vietnam. The more I came to admire the Vietnamese people -- their intelligence, love of life, dignity and hard work -- the more rage I felt toward the communists who brought them (and, of course, us Americans) so much suffering in the second half of the 20th century.
I will end with the subject with which I began -- the Vietnamese. It is impossible to visit Vietnam and not be impressed by the people. I hope I live to see the day when the people of Vietnam, freed from the communist lies that still permeate their daily lives, understand that every Vietnamese death in the war against America was a wasted life, one of the more than 100 million human sacrifices on the altar of the most bloodthirsty ideology in history: communism.
Share this with your son or daughter who knows nothing about communism and has no idea why decent people hate it, along with fascism and Nazism.