"Một tấc đất của tiền nhân để lại, cũng không được để lọt vào tay kẻ khác".
Ta cũng để lời nhắn nhủ đó như một lời di chúc cho muôn đời con cháu.
(Di Chúc của Vua Trần Nhân Tôn).
Trump calls US immigration laws 'the dumbest anywhere in the world'
By Elizabeth Zwirz | Fox News
VIDEO: Trump: Democrats will be "beaten so badly" if they campaign on abolishing ICE
President Trump took to social media on Saturday to deride U.S. immigration laws as "the dumbest anywhere in the world,” and to highlight Republicans' platform for “Strong Borders,” as thousands of protesters nationwide rallied for the reunion of parents and children separated at the nation's southern border.
“When people come into our Country illegally, we must IMMEDIATELY escort them back out without going through years of legal maneuvering,” Trump tweeted. “Our laws are the dumbest anywhere in the world.”
The Left Is Dead Because It Is Rootless And Stands For NOTHING
9:10 PM 06/30/2018
Nirmal Dass | Researcher with a PhD in translation theory
Although much is made of the political and cultural left, few realize that this creature is long extinct. Once it stood for stronger unions, economic equality, better working conditions and organized labor. Such was its root, its reality, from which it has fully severed itself.
This means that the left now chases utopias — from multiculturalism to environmentalism and green initiatives, from the “rights” industry and intersectionality to gender-fluidity, from anarchism and communism to ever-morphing liberalism, from abortion and euthanasia to the cult of Trump-hatred by self-styled sophisticates. In each case, the logic is the same: Shoehorn reality into theory, and mold humanity into the confines of ideology.
And, because it is now rootless, the left is all things to many agendas, and thus stands for nothing. The only coherence it possesses is progressivism, whereby all that ails society is to be cured by economics and technology, whose anodynes are doled out by politicians in thrall to “experts,” who in turn cannot help but contradict each other.
For example, ...
READ MORE:http://dailycaller.com/2018/06/30/the-left-is-dead-because-it-stands-for-nothing/ *** Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm "conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog" Xin được lắng nghe ý kiến chia sẻ của Quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk:1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc . Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị .
conbenho Tiểu Muội quantu Nguyễn Hoài Trang 01072018 ___________ Cộng sản Việt Nam là TỘI ÁC Bao che, dung dưỡng TỘI ÁC là ĐỒNG LÕA với TỘI ÁC
Democrats are in a crisis and the media won't talk about it
by Eddie Scarry
| June 30, 2018 12:01 AM
The Democratic Party is in an ongoing crisis, but most of the national media aren’t interested.
They’d rather talk about the new “rock star,” Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Coretz, and ignore that the party is up in flames.
Both Republican and Democratic voters are turning out in record numbers for their primary elections this year, according to analysis published this week by the Hill.
Democrats have a slight advantage by about a million votes, but that’s only in primaries. And in every general midterm election since at least 1982, Republicans have had an average of 6 percent higher turnout than Democrats.
Facebook took months to fix quiz app that exposed 120M users’ data
By Chris Smith, BGR June 29, 2018 | 11:00am | Updated
Getty Images
The Cambridge Analytica scandal exposed what wasn’t really a secret, that Facebook is harvesting a lot of user data and that the data is shared with others. The privacy breach revealed that Facebook wasn’t doing enough to protect your privacy and that developers like Cambridge Analytica could take your data and your Facebook friends’ data and use it for whatever they wanted.
Since these revelations, Facebook has been trying to convince everyone that it can be trusted, that it will take measures to stop these practices, that your privacy matters to the company. But while it was performing this massive PR campaign, a different quiz app that had as many as 120 million users left their data exposed for others to see. Facebook was warned about it and needed many weeks to address and fix it properly.
Steve Hilton: I didn’t get the true genius of America’s founders till I moved here. Here’s what worries me now.
By Steve Hilton | Fox News
July Fourth is a moment for all of us to reflect on America and what it means – and that’s particularly true this year, as the holiday comes right after a week in politics that revealed the great challenges America’s system of government is facing.
The retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy – and the left’s reaction to it – should give us all pause this Independence Day.
I studied America’s system of government years ago when I was an undergraduate at Oxford University. I mention that not to try and impress you with my intellectual prowess, but for the exact opposite reason. I learned practically nothing about America, despite being forced to read endless books and write endless essays on every aspect of United States governance – from the Federalist Papers to the Warren Burger Supreme Court. Somehow, it all went in one ear and out the other.
Get used to ridiculous food labels, like this honey from ... Where exactly?
April 21, 2016 5:34pm
Dana McCauley - news.com.au
WE ALL like to know where our food came from.
Whether it’s a desire to support local farmers, avoid GMOs or minimise our carbon footprint, Australians have long called for clear labelling, to show not only where our grocery products were made, but where each of their ingredients came from.
But consumer advocates warn that increasing market domination by multinational companies — magnified by the Trans-Pacific Partnership — means labels are likely to get even more confusing and unhelpful than ever.
Speaking at a TPP forum at the NSW Parliament House on Wednesday, Choice policy and campaigns adviser Sarah Agar warned that if the Australian Government ratifies the free trade agreement in its current form, campaigners could face an impossible task in the fight for clear labelling.
Why the EU's new migrant deal fell apart on the same day it was signed
by Tom Rogan
| June 29, 2018 02:44 PM
On Friday, European Union leaders agreed to a deal to reduce the inflow of migrants from Africa. Later the same day, European Union leaders broke the deal.
It's a ludicrous situation which only the EU could produce. While the paper-thin agreement clarifies that EU states will establish migrant holding facilities for new migrants traveling from North Africa across the Mediterranean Sea, it doesn't explain how. As the BBC notes, "The [migrant] centers are meant be set up by EU states on a voluntary basis, but there are no details on which nations might host them or take in refugees."
The good, the bad and the ugly about 'King Kennedy' and his legacy on the Supreme Court
By Hans A. von Spakovsky | Fox News How Justice Kennedy shaped the Supreme Court Court colleagues praise Kennedy as a man of 'integrity.' Shannon Bream reports for 'Special Report.'
We don’t know yet which conservative constitutionalist President Trump will nominate to the Supreme Court to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy, in an effort to solidify the five-member majority needed to help restore our constitutional republic.
But we do know that liberals will launch what may be the vilest, nastiest, most vitriolic propaganda war ever against whoever the president nominates – no matter how sterling his or her professional credentials are.
There is no question that Justice Kennedy, who announced Wednesday that he will retire July 31, has a good record in protecting First Amendment freedoms, including religious liberty and free speech. This was demonstrated in cases such as Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, which struck down the contraceptive mandate of ObamaCare for closely held companies; and Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which threw out a ban on independent political expenditures.
Australia is spending $26 billion on new warships—with Chinese submarines in mind
Taking precautions. (EPA-EFE/Joel Carrett)
Written by
Steve Mollman June 29, 2018
Australia stresses the importance of good relations with China, its largest trading partner. But lately, its actions have spoken louder than words.
Today (June 29), with China’s furious production of submarines and other warships very much in mind—and its militarization of the South China Sea—Australia chose British defense giant BAE Systems to provide nine new frigates, in a deal worth $26 billion. The “Hunter class” vessels will provide the Royal Australian Navy with “one of the most advanced anti-submarine warships in the world,” said prime minister Malcolm Turnbull.
BAE claims the Type 26 warship, as it’s called, is the most modern design yet (paywall) for anti-submarine warfare. The British Royal Navy has also chosen the vessels for its own anti-submarine fleet.
Border Patrol Agent: Trump's wall is the best way to end to the humanitarian crisis on our southern border
By Brandon Judd | Fox News Trump ramps up pressure for immigration reform, border wall President puts focus on prevention of border crossings; John Roberts reports from the White House.
If Democrats and the media elite truly cared about the safety of illegal immigrants, they’d be down on the border right now working to build the wall President Trump wants America to have.
As a veteran Border Patrol agent, I know firsthand that a secure border with the big beautiful wall the president is building is the only humane and permanent solution to the crisis at the border.
Despite Democratic obstruction, President Trump is building the wall now, and he will play hardball with Congress to ensure that the necessary funding to complete the wall is secured. Without a completed wall, thousands of illegal immigrants will continue to put their lives at risk.
New data breach may have exposed info on every US citizen
By Mike Murphy, Marketwatch June 28, 2018 | 3:33pm
A little-known Florida company may have exposed the personal data of nearly every American adult, according to a new report.
Wired reported Wednesday that Exactis, a Palm Coast, Fla.-based marketing and data-aggregation company, had exposed a database containing almost 2 terabytes of data, containing nearly 340 million individual records, on a public server. That included records of 230 million consumers and 110 million businesses.
“It seems like this is a database with pretty much every US citizen in it,” security researcher Vinny Troia, who discovered the breach earlier this month, told Wired. “I don’t know where the data is coming from, but it’s one of the most comprehensive collections I’ve ever seen,” he said.
Melania Trump Holds Roundtable at Border Detention Facility in Arizona
Lauretta Brown Posted: Jun 28, 2018 2:55 PM
First Lady Melania Trump flew to Tucson, Arizona Thursday to hold a roundtable at a U.S. Customs and Border Protection detention facility with local officials.
"I know how dangerous and difficult your daily jobs are so I really appreciate all you do on behalf of the country," the first lady told the Border Patrol officials.
“I’m here to help and support you and give my help, whatever I can, on behalf of children and the families,” she added.
China would be the 'loser' if the US trade war escalates - 6:49
The escalating trade spat between the US and China has been impacting markets, despite US President Donald Trump retreating from earlier threats on Chinese firms investing in US tech companies. State Street Global Advisors Managing Director Olivia Engel speaks about how far the trade war could go.
Dem congresswoman among anti-Trump protesters arrested inside Capitol office building
By Alex Pappas | Fox News
Washington Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal is among the numerous female protesters who were arrested inside a Capitol office building on Thursday while demonstrating against President Trump’s illegal immigration policies. (Fox News’ Raymond Bogan)
Washington Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal is among the more than 500 protesters who were arrested inside a Capitol office building on Thursday while demonstrating against President Trump’s immigration policies.
The protest, which included hundreds demonstrators, took place in the Hart Senate Office Building. The protesters were calling for the abolishment of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, and were heard chanting “abolish ICE." Most of the protesters were female.
Eva Malecki, a spokeswoman for the United States Capitol Police, said 575 individuals were charged with unlawfully demonstrating in the atrium of the building.
Kim Jong Nam’s ‘Assassination’ No Prank, Say Prosecutors
Malaysian prosecutors argue to continue the trial for the killing of the North Korean leader’s half-brother
Security camera footage shows a Vietnamese woman accused of poisoning the North Korean leader’s half brother, Kim Jong Nam, performing a prank at Hanoi's airport that simulated the attack.
By Ben Otto and
Yantoultra Ngui June 28, 2018 8:10 a.m. ET
SHAH ALAM, Malaysia—Two women on trial for killing the half-brother of North Korea’s ruler weren’t pranksters but trained assassins, Malaysian prosecutors said, urging a judge to reject defense arguments that the case should be summarily dismissed.
In closing statements Thursday for the prosecution phase of the trial, prosecutors said the defendants used “criminal force” and demonstrated training in attacking Kim Jong Nam, the estranged elder sibling of dictator Kim Jong Un, at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in February...
Angela Merkel warns migrant crisis could 'make or break' EU ahead of crucial summit
By Chris Irvine | Fox News Angela Merkel delivered an impassioned speech to the Bundestag ahead of a crucial EU summit about the migrant crisis (AP)
Angela Merkel has warned that the migrant crisis could be “make or break” for the European Union, hours ahead of a crucial summit on migration.
The German chancellor, already under fire, spoke in front of a rowdy parliament in an attempt to win over conservative critics within her own coalition government who have threatened to bring her down.
“Europe faces many challenges, but that of migration could become the make-or-break one for the EU,” she told the Bundestag.
Democrats refuse to acknowledge safe borders are necessary
By Michael Goodwin June 23, 2018 | 9:52pm | Updated
Donald Trump AFP/Getty Images
In politics, as in life, lucky is the person with clumsy and incompetent enemies. By that measure, President Trump is the luckiest man on Earth.
As illustrated by the growing proof of FBI bias against him and the left’s incoherent rage over his immigration policies, Trump’s political enemies these days resemble the passenger list on a ship of fools.
Consider the expanding revelations of FBI misconduct during the 2016 campaign, especially the text in which top agent Peter Strzok vows that “we’ll stop” Trump from becoming president.
Strzok was dumb to make the promise — and doubly dumb for making it to his FBI lover on a government-owned phone. Inspector Clouseau reporting for duty!
Kennedy Calls It Quits: Longtime Swing Justice Hands Trump The Biggest Gift Of His Presidency
6:02 PM 06/27/2018
Kevin Daley | Supreme Court Reporter
Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement Wednesday, precipitating a generational political fight over the future of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Kennedy’s departure was announced Wednesday afternoon, several hours after the justices released the final decisions of its current term.
“For a member of the legal profession it is the highest honor to serve on this Court,” he wrote in a letter to President Donald Trump. “Please permit me by this letter to express my profound gratitude for having had the privilege to seek in each case how best to know, interpret, and defend the Constitution.”
America Is Not the Tenth Most Dangerous Country for Women, You Idiots
BY: Alex Griswold June 26, 2018 2:50 pm
Getty Images
A number of news stories have covered a new study out today from The Thomson Reuters Foundation: did you know the United States is one of the ten most dangerous countries in the world to be a woman??
The U.S. is now ranked among the 10 nations considered to be the most dangerous for women, experts say: https://t.co/IpDEtPHFjo pic.twitter.com/bUNUiEiY9L
— CBS News (@CBSNews) June 26, 2018
The U.S. is one of the top 10 most dangerous countries for women, report finds https://t.co/0LNhOw4e0G pic.twitter.com/STvduDWvLy
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) June 26, 2018
Wow! The @TR_Foundation has put out its list of the 10 most dangerous countries for women in the world. The U.S. is the 10th most dangerous country in the world, the only western-developed country joining the ranks of Somalia, Afghanistan & India https://t.co/zvk1xkXWsr
— Ayman Mohyeldin (@AymanM) June 26, 2018
Truly, this survey is an indictment. But not of the United States, of the "experts" who responded to it.
Of course violence against women is endemic across the globe; even that WHO study found that a fourth of North American and European women will be victimized. But it benefits no one to misleadingly inflate the problem and elevate the shortcomings of liberal democracies to the level of the worst countries in the world. The fact of the matter is that the United States remains one of the safest countries in the world to be a woman, and of that we should be proud.
What do YOU think?
*** Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm "conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog" Xin được lắng nghe ý kiến chia sẻ của Quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk:1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc . Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị .
conbenho Tiểu Muội quantu Nguyễn Hoài Trang 28062018 ___________ Cộng sản Việt Nam là TỘI ÁC Bao che, dung dưỡng TỘI ÁC là ĐỒNG LÕA với TỘI ÁC
'Oh, That's Not Good': Listen To Democrats Have A Meltdown Over Justice Kennedy's Retirement
Matt Vespa
Posted: Jun 27, 2018 3:30 PM
It’s done. The day is here. Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy announced he’s retiring. It will be effective on July 31. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said a vote to fill the vacancy would occur this fall, providing an extra incentive for Republican to turn out and vote in the 2018 elections. As you can imagine, the Left is having a full-blown meltdown. We’re primed to have a solid conservative majority on the Supreme Court.
Mike Pompeo doubles down: Syrian dictator Bashar Assad, and Iran, must go
by Joel Gehrke
| June 27, 2018 04:55 PM
MIke Pompeo reiterated the hard-line position, years after former President Barack Obama first said that Assad must "step aside.”
(AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
Syrian President Bashar Assad and his Iranian military backers will have to relinquish their hold on the war-torn country, according to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Pompeo reiterated the hard-line position, years after former President Barack Obama first said that Assad must "step aside,” during a Senate Appropriations subcommittee hearing on the State Department’s budget. It’s the latest expression of commitment to shaping the outcome of the Syrian civil war from a Trump administration that has, at times, looked eager to exit the conflict.
"Can we move forward in Syria long-term with Iran present and with Assad present?” Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., asked.
Supreme Court’s travel ban decision sends an incredible (and clear) message to lower federal court judges
By Curt Levey | Fox News
Trump calls Supreme Court decision 'a tremendous victory' President Trump praises the Supreme Court's decision on his travel ban; chief White House correspondent John Roberts reports from Washington.
The Supreme Court decision Tuesday upholding President Trump’s “travel ban” also sent a subtle but clear message to lower federal court judges – don’t get too big for your britches. This was reinforced by Justice Clarence Thomas's warning to judges who attempt to set national policy by issuing overly broad orders.
The 17-month legal battle over the "travel ban" ended Tuesday with a 5-4 victory for the president in the Supreme Court and a setback for those who have tried to portray the president's immigration policies as discriminatory.
Ruling in Trump v. Hawaii, the high court upheld the travel ban in its entirety, reversing lower courts that had seemed to join the Trump Resistance.
Supreme Court teaches the Resistance how government works
by Washington Examiner
| June 26, 2018 11:50 PM
For 18 months, lower federal courts have winked and nodded at a dubious, dilatory lawsuit intended to block President Trump’s proclamation banning travel to the U.S. from a handful of countries that have massive internal problems with Islamic terrorism.
It took a Supreme Court ruling, unfortunately a narrow 5-4 ruling along partisan lines, to reaffirm what should have been obvious to everyone from the beginning: presidential powers are presidential powers, no matter who is president.
Is the travel ban, which its opponents disparage as a “Muslim ban,” a smart policy? Does it keep anyone safe? The only answer a court can give to that is, it doesn’t matter. Courts don’t create our immigration or security or foreign policy. Nor should they. Congress does, and Congress handed immense powers to the president to exclude foreigners.
New York’s Joe Crowley, Senior House Democratic Leader, Defeated in Primary Upset
Crowley, the first Democratic incumbent to lose in 2018, is unseated by 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
By Janet Hook and
Valerie Bauerlein Updated June 26, 2018 11:41 p.m. ET
In a major upset for the Democratic Party establishment, Rep. Joe Crowley of New York lost his primary election Tuesday, unseated by a young progressive newcomer who reflects restiveness in the left wing of the party.
The Associated Press declared Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old former Bernie Sanders organizer, the winner of the race for New York’s 14th congressional district, which includes parts of Queens and the Bronx.
Mitt Romney triumphs in Utah Senate primary runoff, in latest win for Trump-backed candidate
By Gregg Re | Fox News Mitt Romney wins Utah Republican Senate primary Former GOP presidential nominee thanks supporters; Dan Springer reports from Provo, Utah.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is projected to win his primary runoff in the race to replace retiring Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch, marking the latest in a string of victories by Trump-backed candidates on Tuesday.
In all, seven states were holding primaries or runoffs across the country on Tuesday, with the Utah contest among the highest-profile.
As victories by Trump-backed candidates piled up, the president weighed in on Twitter, calling Tuesday a "big night."
Supreme Court Trump travel ban decision is an important victory for our national security
By Hans A. von Spakovsky | Fox News Supreme Court rules 5-4 to uphold travel ban Supreme Court reaches decision on the Trump administration's travel ban.
The Trump administration won an important victory and America’s national security was strengthened Tuesday when the Supreme Court upheld President Trump’s travel ban that suspended the entry into the U.S. of foreigners from countries that are state sponsors of terrorism or pose other national security threats.
The 5-4 decision also demonstrates just how important the current conservative majority is on the Supreme Court.
Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the majority opinion for the high court, finding that the president lawfully exercised the broad discretion granted to him by Congress in federal immigration law to suspend the entry of foreigners from certain countries.
As the court explained, the president’s travel ban proclamation of September 2017 was intended to improve the vetting procedures that America uses for foreign nationals traveling to the U.S., to ensure we are identifying those who pose a national security threat.
The 5-4 decision also demonstrates just how important the current conservative majority is on the Supreme Court.
The UN Human Rights Council has the worst offenders of human rights
by Siraj Hashmi
| June 22, 2018 12:56 PM
The U.S. through Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley withdrew from the U.N. Human Rights Council on Tuesday. The move makes sense when you consider that the council has members that are some of the worst violators of human rights.
Personal attacks on Trump staffers won’t end well for America
By Karol Markowicz June 25, 2018 | 7:36pm | Updated
Getty Images
Are we really heading to a place as a nation where people of opposing views can’t share a restaurant?
Last week, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was protested out of a restaurant in DC, and over the weekend White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave The Red Hen restaurant in Virginia.
As I noted on Twitter: “Last week: Anthony Bourdain was amazing because he taught us about breaking bread with different kinds of people and getting to know each other over food. This week: But not you.”