Monday, May 31, 2010
Chính Trị hôi tanh Nhục để mồ
Chúng đã lưu manh lại điếm đàng
Lươn luồn lòn lách loại "hai mang"
Trong ngoài hợp tác bưng bô đảng
Kịch bẩn tuồng dơ chửa hạ màn
Chính trị thịt xôi môi đọng mỡ
Tuyên ngôn, tuyên cáo bợ, bưng, bò
"Đáp lời sông núi" pho hòa giải
Giúp đảng vong nô chống giặc tàu !
Cộng sản Việt Nam quân thổ phỉ
Giết dân diệt chủng bán giang sơn
Công hàm, mật ước đồng tâm ký
Đất biển Tổ Tiên hiến chuột tàu
Cướp nước giặc hồ trơ mặt cáo
Bạo tàn khát máu đảng tham ô
Bắt tay hòa hợp loài vô đạo
Đồng lõa tội đồ mạo "sĩ" phô
Chính trị hôi tanh NHỤC để mồ .
(Soi Dòng Sông Chữ Thấy Mù Tâm .. )
Thật đáng phỉ nhổ cho những chính trị gia xôi thịt, cố tình bao che tội bán nước diệt chủng của tập đòan chó má csVN, nhập nhằng kêu gọi lòng yêu nước của đồng bào trong và ngoài nước giúp bè lũ bán nước "chống tàu" ! Lũ chó má csVN đáng tởm một, lũ chó ghẻ cò mồi hải ngọai đáng tởm mười .
Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm "conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog"
Xin được lắng nghe ý kiến chia sẻ của Quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk: 1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc .
Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị .
Tiểu Muội quantu
Nguyễn Hoài Trang
Chính trị hôi tanh Nhục để mồ
Saturday, May 29, 2010
"Làm người thì khó, làm chó thì dễ"
(Trích từ trang nhà )
* Nguồn Internet *
Bác sĩ hỏi:
- Anh làm sao mà vào đây?
- Tôi điên rồi, vì tôi không rõ tôi là ai?
Bác sĩ nhíu mày:
-Anh có thể nói rõ hơn không?
-Vợ tôi trước khi lấy tôi đã có một đứa con gái riêng ở VN. Bây giờ cô bé đã là một thiếu nữ truởng thành. Mới đây, bố tôi về bển cưới cô này!
Bác sĩ bảo:
-Chuyện thường tình thôi.
-Nhưng kẹt một cái là vợ tôi trở thành mẹ vợ của Bố tôi !
-Cũng không có gì phạm pháp.Vì dẫu sao cô bé và Bố anh không cùng một huyết thống.
-Nhưng tôi thì trở thành....cha vợ của Bố tôi
Bác sĩ đáp:
-Thì bắt buộc vậy! Ðó là ngôi thứ xã hội đặt ra mà!
-Nhưng mới đây con gái của vợ tôi sinh một đứa con trai.Thằng đó tôi phải xem là em cùng cha khác mẹ với tôi .
-Ummm ..đúng! Không thể gọi khác được.
-Nhưng đồng thời tôi và vợ tôi là ông bà ngoại của nó.
-Ơ ... ơ .. quả không sai!
-Mới đây vợ tôi sinh đuợc một đứa con trai. Vậy là đứa con gái riêng của vợ tôi là con ghẻ của tôi, tức là mẹ kế tôi, đồng thời là chị của đứa con tôi, vừa lại là bà nội của nó. Nói cách khác:con tôi là em tôi và cũng là cậu tôi vì là em của mẹ kế tôi.
-Ơ... ơ.....ơ....đúng rồi! Phải gọi thế thôi.
-Như vậy vợ tôi trở thành con dâu của mẹ kế tôi, tức là con gái của vợ tôi trở thành Dì ghẻ của mẹ nó.
- !!!
-Còn đứa con tôi là cháu tôi, và là....ông nội của tôi và cũng là anh của vợ tôi!
Vậy bác sĩ xem tôi là ai? Tôi điên rồi ....
Bác sĩ la lên:
- Thôi, anh đừng kể nữa, tôi cũng điên rồi
(Đọc xong chuyện nầy không điên cũng trở thành điên tức khắc – Đó là chuyện dài dưới ‘đỉnh cao trí tuệ’ của loài khỉ !!!).
(Hết trích)
"Câu chuyện" "KẾT QUẢ CHUYỆN MẤY ÔNG GIÀ VỀ VIỆT NAM LẤY VỢ !" trên đây được "copy" nguyên văn từ trang nhà, cbQR "dán" vào đây cho các anh chị đọc xem các anh chị "có" hay "không có" nghĩ là chuyện có thật trên quê hương VN yêu dấu của chúng ta dưới sự lãnh đạo của tập đòan chó má đảng csVN đã và đang đưa cả nước xuống hàng chó ngựa, xuống tận cùng sự ô nhục .
Riêng cá nhân cbQR, nếu câu chuyện trên đây có thật, thì quả thật "mấy ông già về VN lấy vợ" như trong "câu chuyện" trên vì vô tình hay cố ý, đã liếm phải những đờm, giãi của tập đoàn chó má csVN nên đã biến thành những con chó ghẻ, hay đã và đang trở thành những con thú vật chưa biết loại gì, tạm thời gọi là thú-mặt-người .
Ở những nước thuộc Mỹ châu, Úc châu chuyện cha lấy con, mẹ lấy con đã xẩy ra không ít và đã được đưa lên báo chí, truyền thông, truyền hình .. . Những chuyện loạn luân, vô đạo, phi nhân .. như thế đối với tây phương cũng đã là chuyện làm nhân loại tởm lợm, huống chi lại xảy ra trên một đất nước với truyền thống lịch sử, văn hóa đã hơn 4000 năm.
Nếu trong Cộng đồng người Việt tỵ nạn cộng sản tại hải ngọai có những con thú-mặt-người này thì xin hỏi Quý Anh Chị, người Việt chúng ta phải làm gì để không bị nhiễm đờm , giãi của những con chó má, chó ghẻ, .. thú-mặt-người đáng kinh tởm này ???
Từ "Tựa câu chuyện" và "ý kiến kết luận" cho chúng ta thấy chuyện xảy ra không chỉ ở cái gọi là "dưới "đỉnh cao trí tuệ" của loài khỉ !!! " mà từ "mấy "ông già về VN lấy vợ" kia mà ?
Vậy "mấy ông già" đó đang ở đâu, nêu không phải từ trong Cộng đồng người Việt tỵ nạn cộng sản tại hải ngoại ?
(Soi Dòng Sông Chữ Thấy Mù Tâm .. )
Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm "conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog"
Xin được lắng nghe ý kiến chia sẻ của Quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk: 1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc .
Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị.
Tiểu Muội quantu
Nguyễn Hoài Trang
"Làm người thì khó, làm chó thì dễ"
* Nguồn Internet *
Bác sĩ hỏi:
- Anh làm sao mà vào đây?
- Tôi điên rồi, vì tôi không rõ tôi là ai?
Bác sĩ nhíu mày:
-Anh có thể nói rõ hơn không?
-Vợ tôi trước khi lấy tôi đã có một đứa con gái riêng ở VN. Bây giờ cô bé đã là một thiếu nữ truởng thành. Mới đây, bố tôi về bển cưới cô này!
Bác sĩ bảo:
-Chuyện thường tình thôi.
-Nhưng kẹt một cái là vợ tôi trở thành mẹ vợ của Bố tôi !
-Cũng không có gì phạm pháp.Vì dẫu sao cô bé và Bố anh không cùng một huyết thống.
-Nhưng tôi thì trở thành....cha vợ của Bố tôi
Bác sĩ đáp:
-Thì bắt buộc vậy! Ðó là ngôi thứ xã hội đặt ra mà!
-Nhưng mới đây con gái của vợ tôi sinh một đứa con trai.Thằng đó tôi phải xem là em cùng cha khác mẹ với tôi .
-Ummm ..đúng! Không thể gọi khác được.
-Nhưng đồng thời tôi và vợ tôi là ông bà ngoại của nó.
-Ơ ... ơ .. quả không sai!
-Mới đây vợ tôi sinh đuợc một đứa con trai. Vậy là đứa con gái riêng của vợ tôi là con ghẻ của tôi, tức là mẹ kế tôi, đồng thời là chị của đứa con tôi, vừa lại là bà nội của nó. Nói cách khác:con tôi là em tôi và cũng là cậu tôi vì là em của mẹ kế tôi.
-Ơ... ơ.....ơ....đúng rồi! Phải gọi thế thôi.
-Như vậy vợ tôi trở thành con dâu của mẹ kế tôi, tức là con gái của vợ tôi trở thành Dì ghẻ của mẹ nó.
- !!!
-Còn đứa con tôi là cháu tôi, và là....ông nội của tôi và cũng là anh của vợ tôi!
Vậy bác sĩ xem tôi là ai? Tôi điên rồi ....
Bác sĩ la lên:
- Thôi, anh đừng kể nữa, tôi cũng điên rồi
(Đọc xong chuyện nầy không điên cũng trở thành điên tức khắc – Đó là chuyện dài dưới ‘đỉnh cao trí tuệ’ của loài khỉ !!!).
(Hết trích)
"Câu chuyện" "KẾT QUẢ CHUYỆN MẤY ÔNG GIÀ VỀ VIỆT NAM LẤY VỢ !" trên đây được "copy" nguyên văn từ trang nhà, cbQR "dán" vào đây cho các anh chị đọc xem các anh chị "có" hay "không có" nghĩ là chuyện có thật trên quê hương VN yêu dấu của chúng ta dưới sự lãnh đạo của tập đòan chó má đảng csVN đã và đang đưa cả nước xuống hàng chó ngựa, xuống tận cùng sự ô nhục .
Riêng cá nhân cbQR, nếu câu chuyện trên đây có thật, thì quả thật "mấy ông già về VN lấy vợ" như trong "câu chuyện" trên vì vô tình hay cố ý, đã liếm phải những đờm, giãi của tập đoàn chó má csVN nên đã biến thành những con chó ghẻ, hay đã và đang trở thành những con thú vật chưa biết loại gì, tạm thời gọi là thú-mặt-người .
Ở những nước thuộc Mỹ châu, Úc châu chuyện cha lấy con, mẹ lấy con đã xẩy ra không ít và đã được đưa lên báo chí, truyền thông, truyền hình .. . Những chuyện loạn luân, vô đạo, phi nhân .. như thế đối với tây phương cũng đã là chuyện làm nhân loại tởm lợm, huống chi lại xảy ra trên một đất nước với truyền thống lịch sử, văn hóa đã hơn 4000 năm.
Nếu trong Cộng đồng người Việt tỵ nạn cộng sản tại hải ngọai có những con thú-mặt-người này thì xin hỏi Quý Anh Chị, người Việt chúng ta phải làm gì để không bị nhiễm đờm , giãi của những con chó má, chó ghẻ, .. thú-mặt-người đáng kinh tởm này ???
Từ "Tựa câu chuyện" và "ý kiến kết luận" cho chúng ta thấy chuyện xảy ra không chỉ ở cái gọi là "dưới "đỉnh cao trí tuệ" của loài khỉ !!! " mà từ "mấy "ông già về VN lấy vợ" kia mà ?
Vậy "mấy ông già" đó đang ở đâu, nêu không phải từ trong Cộng đồng người Việt tỵ nạn cộng sản tại hải ngoại ?
(Soi Dòng Sông Chữ Thấy Mù Tâm .. )
Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm "conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog"
Xin được lắng nghe ý kiến chia sẻ của Quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk: 1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc .
Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị.
Tiểu Muội quantu
Nguyễn Hoài Trang
"Làm người thì khó, làm chó thì dễ"
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sex, bribes in banknote deals - AAP_Tập đoàn xuống hàng chó ngựa csVN có phần
Sex, bribes in banknote deals: witnessAAP
May 24, 2010, 7:57 am
AAP © Enlarge photo
A Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) currency firm was willing to supply prostitutes and pay bribes to win contracts, according to a federal police witness at the centre of Australia's most serious corruption investigation.
The revelation is one of many made by a key witness in the federal police inquiry into the RBA part-owned and supervised company, Securency International, which makes polymer banknotes.
The witness has told an investigation by The Age newspaper and ABC TV's Four Corners - to be aired on Monday night - that a middleman hired by Securency to win contracts from foreign governments told him that he intended to bribe a central bank governor from an Asian country.
The witness, who was a Securency employee, has given the Australian Federal Police his diary in which he recorded the middleman telling him in 2007 that the "governor would be very happy if the commission [payment] was increased".
The witness has said that one of the most senior Securency managers told him to arrange an Asian prostitute for a visiting deputy governor of a foreign central bank.
The police witness said in an interview with Four Corners that he did not act on the request although he believed other employees had arranged prostitutes.
In a 2008 diary entry, the witness recorded that a consultant employed in Asia by Australia's overseas trade agency Austrade told him that to win contracts Securency needed to hire someone to bribe officials or "to pass white envelopes for you".
Austrade confirmed the Securency employee-turned-police-witness did report the comment to an Australian ambassador in the Asian country where it was made in 2008, but said that it had never been brought specifically to Austrade's attention.
Austrade also stressed it had never endorsed bribery.
Securency is a Melbourne-based polymer banknote company half-owned and supervised by the Reserve Bank. It has employed a network of global agents to help it convince foreign central banks and governments to buy its polymer banknote technology.
A federal police taskforce is investigating Securency for allegedly bribing government officials in countries including Nigeria, Malaysia and Vietnam.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
"Sĩ", "đĩ" than ôi chỉ một vần !!
Giống trống khua chiêng ngoác mõm hò
Hô hào hòa hợp hóa hà hơi
Bơm đô tiếp máu nuôi chồn cáo
Sùi sụt sít sao một đám lừa
Giặc đã vào tâm thâm ý thức
Ma xâm tận tủy mụ thiên lương
"Chúa", "cha", "thầy", "Phật" đâu chầu chực
Núp bóng bạo quyền để hiển dương
Bán trôn nuôi miệng đời kêu đĩ
Bán miệng nuôi trôn đĩ gọi đời
Giặc cộng hiếp dân dân đánh đĩ
Tiếp tay giặc cộng "sĩ" đi đầu !
Thương thay cùng chữ "đờ i ngã"
"Đĩ" cũng cùng vần lại khác "thanh"
Đĩ dốt, nghèo, hèn buôn xác bã
Đĩ giàu, hùng, giã bán ngôn tanh
Thương thay chữ "sĩ" sờ i ngã
Bán miệng nuôi trôn "sĩ" đã đành
Khấn gấu đội thù mù "sĩ" đắc
Ngàn năm sắc đĩ "sĩ" còn manh
Bán nước giết dân loài phản quốc
Bơm hơi tiếp máu bọn vô thần
Ăn xương hút tủy người dân Việt
Hợp giải nuôi thù bọn đĩ tân .
"Sĩ", "đĩ" than ôi chỉ một vần !!
(Trăm năm bia đá thì mòn
Ngàn năm bia miệng vẫn còn trơ trơ .)
(Soi Dòng Sông Chữ Thấy Mù Tâm .. )
Tiểu Muội quantu
Nguyễn Hoài Trang
"Có trung hiếu nên đứng trong Trời Đất"
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Đau lòng con quốc còn mù, quốc ơi !..
Tái đảo trò hề phê, phỏng , phán
"Đức tin", "công lý" lụy nhân quần
"Vâng lời" vô thức luân thuần nhãn
Ác đạo ma vương loạn thế trần
Thương thay chữ nhược tương hèn phận
Tội lắm chữ hùng quẫn vận anh
Một phường bát nháo hôi tanh
Vô minh hỗn thuyết đồng thanh đội thù
Dân hèn , nước nhục ngàn thu
Đau lòng con quốc còn mù, quốc ơi !..
(Soi Dòng Sông Chữ Thấy Mù Tâm .. )
(Ta Hong Giọt Nắng Cho Vừa Nhớ Thương .. )
Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm "conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog"
Xin được lắng nghe ý kiến chia sẻ của Quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk: 1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc .
Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị .
Tiểu Muội quantu
Nguyễn Hoài Trang
Quân tử trông lên đứng tận Trời
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Welcome home, Jess Watson!

7 NEWS _ Jessica Watson arrives in Sydney on Saturday, 15th of May, after attempting to become the youngest person to sail solo non-stop around the world.
Her remarkable journey has taken just under seven months to complete, with Australians and the world following every up and down of her amazing travels.
Congratulation Jessica ! You are wonderful !..
Chúc mừng em, Jessica ! người con gái nhỏ tuyệt vời ..
Hình ảnh cô gái nhỏ một mình giương buồm trên đại dương vòng quanh thế giới, mãi mãi là những hình ảnh thật tuyệt vời, thật dễ thương vô vàn trong lòng hàng triệu người ..
Thương mến chúc em mọi điều may mắn, tốt đẹp .
conbenho NHT
(Ghi lại đây như một hình ảnh dễ thương nơi quê hương thứ hai, đã gợi cho cbn nhớ lại nhiều kỹ niệm xa xưa nơi quê hương ngàn trùng, quê hương chôn nhau cắt rốn .. )
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Scandal_Bao Che TỘI ÁC có phải ĐỒNG LÕA với TỘI ÁC ???_Sưu tầm Tin Thế Giới (6)
US lawyer wants to question pope
AAP April 1, 2010, 10:36 am
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A US lawyer has filed a legal motion to have Pope Benedict XVI questioned over the child sex scandal that is rocking the Roman Catholic church.
Lawyer William McMurry filed a motion in a Kentucky court on Tuesday seeking to take sworn testimony from the pope on what the Vatican knew about the long-running scandal of predator priests.
The motion, a copy of which was sent to AFP, says Benedict was aware of clergy sex abuse in the United States and that he "discouraged prosecution of accused clergy and encouraged secrecy to protect the reputation of the Church" in the 24 years that he led the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith.
"That organisation was responsible for screening these cases dealing with complaints by US bishops about their various abusive priests in various dioceses," McMurry told AFP on Wednesday.
The motion says documents released last week by the New York Times "unequivocally link Pope Benedict XVI, formerly Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, to child sexual abuse cases in the United States.
"These documents directly implicate Pope Benedict XVI's involvement in the Holy See's decision to cast a shroud of secrecy over clergy sexual abuse cases in the United States," it says.
The New York Times published several letters and other documents which indicated that, when he was head of the CDF, Benedict was informed of the case of a serial pedophile priest called Father Lawrence Murphy, who is accused of molesting up to 200 boys at a school for the deaf in Wisconsin.
Since the Times story broke, several other clergy sex abuse victims and their lawyers have come forward and claimed that, when he was head of the CDF, the pope was informed about the predator priests who molested them but did nothing to stop the abuse.
The conservative Benedict has continually spoken out and apologised for the "heinous crime" of child sex abuse by priests.
The Vatican says Benedict sees the clerical abuse crisis as a "test for him and the church".
The Vatican spokesman, Reverend Federico Lombardi, told The Associated Press on Wednesday the pontiff was holding up well physically but was enduring a Holy Week of "penitence and humility".
Benedict hasn't spoken out about the crisis since he released a letter to Irish bishops on March 20 excoriating them for gross errors of judgment in handling abuse cases.
The pope's comments came as one of his close confidantes acknowledged church guilt in the widespread sex abuse scandal.
Christoph Schoenborn, a prominent Austrian cardinal, said some in the church took advantage and destroyed the trust of children and were sexually violent.
He thanked victims for breaking their silence and added that much remains to be done to make things right.
Schoenborn spoke on Wednesday during a service in Vienna's St Stephen's Cathedral that was co-organised by a group promoting church reform.
It featured accounts of abuse, readings and musical performances.
Austria is among several countries that has been hit by an ongoing string of church abuse claims.
AAP April 1, 2010, 10:36 am
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A US lawyer has filed a legal motion to have Pope Benedict XVI questioned over the child sex scandal that is rocking the Roman Catholic church.
Lawyer William McMurry filed a motion in a Kentucky court on Tuesday seeking to take sworn testimony from the pope on what the Vatican knew about the long-running scandal of predator priests.
The motion, a copy of which was sent to AFP, says Benedict was aware of clergy sex abuse in the United States and that he "discouraged prosecution of accused clergy and encouraged secrecy to protect the reputation of the Church" in the 24 years that he led the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith.
"That organisation was responsible for screening these cases dealing with complaints by US bishops about their various abusive priests in various dioceses," McMurry told AFP on Wednesday.
The motion says documents released last week by the New York Times "unequivocally link Pope Benedict XVI, formerly Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, to child sexual abuse cases in the United States.
"These documents directly implicate Pope Benedict XVI's involvement in the Holy See's decision to cast a shroud of secrecy over clergy sexual abuse cases in the United States," it says.
The New York Times published several letters and other documents which indicated that, when he was head of the CDF, Benedict was informed of the case of a serial pedophile priest called Father Lawrence Murphy, who is accused of molesting up to 200 boys at a school for the deaf in Wisconsin.
Since the Times story broke, several other clergy sex abuse victims and their lawyers have come forward and claimed that, when he was head of the CDF, the pope was informed about the predator priests who molested them but did nothing to stop the abuse.
The conservative Benedict has continually spoken out and apologised for the "heinous crime" of child sex abuse by priests.
The Vatican says Benedict sees the clerical abuse crisis as a "test for him and the church".
The Vatican spokesman, Reverend Federico Lombardi, told The Associated Press on Wednesday the pontiff was holding up well physically but was enduring a Holy Week of "penitence and humility".
Benedict hasn't spoken out about the crisis since he released a letter to Irish bishops on March 20 excoriating them for gross errors of judgment in handling abuse cases.
The pope's comments came as one of his close confidantes acknowledged church guilt in the widespread sex abuse scandal.
Christoph Schoenborn, a prominent Austrian cardinal, said some in the church took advantage and destroyed the trust of children and were sexually violent.
He thanked victims for breaking their silence and added that much remains to be done to make things right.
Schoenborn spoke on Wednesday during a service in Vienna's St Stephen's Cathedral that was co-organised by a group promoting church reform.
It featured accounts of abuse, readings and musical performances.
Austria is among several countries that has been hit by an ongoing string of church abuse claims.
Scandal_Bao Che TỘI ÁC có phải ĐỒNG LÕA với TỘI ÁC ???_Sưu tầm Tin Thế Giới (5)
Vatican dismisses fresh New York Times allegation
AFP March 27, 2010, 7:50 am
Related Links
o Vatican reacts on Pope inaction claims March 26, 2010, 7:50 am
o Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologizes to victims March 27, 2010, 1:42 am
o Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologises to victims March 27, 2010, 1:43 am
o European Catholic leaders rally behind pope March 27, 2010, 5:55 am
o Vatican faces calls to end 'secrecy' March 27, 2010, 2:41 pm
VATICAN CITY (AFP) - The Vatican fought on Friday to limit the damage from a report alleging Pope Benedict XVI failed to bar the transfer of a known paedophile priest.
The fresh allegation added fuel to the fire after child abuse scandals sweeping Catholic churches around the world have encouraged more and more victims to speak out.
The New York Times reported on Friday that Pope Benedict failed to act in 1980 to stop Reverend Peter Hullerman, accused of sexually abusing children, from taking up new duties in a different parish in Germany.
"The then archbishop had no knowledge of the decision to reassign (Hullerman) to pastoral activities in a parish," the Vatican said in a statement, adding that it "rejects any other version of events as mere speculation."
Hullerman was suspended from his duties in the northern German town of Essen in late 1979 over allegations that he abused an 11-year-old boy.
The following January, the then Joseph Ratzinger led a meeting approving Hullerman's transfer to Munich despite a memo warning that the priest was a potential "danger," the Times said.
Six years later, in 1986, Hullerman was found guilty of molesting boys in another Bavarian parish.
"The article in The New York Times contains no new information beyond that which the archdiocese has already communicated concerning the then archbishop's knowledge of the situation of Father H.," the Vatican said.
The Munich archdiocese issued a statement on March 12 confirming that Benedict "took part" in a decision to offer accommodation to Hullerman while he underwent therapy, but former vicar-general Gerhard Gruber took "all responsibility" for the transfer decision that was taken later.
"The repeated employment of H. in priestly spiritual duties was a bad mistake. I assume all responsibility," Gruber said in the statement.
New allegations of child sex abuse against Hullerman emerged this week dating both from his time in Essen and from 1998 in a different southern town.
The case comes on the heels of another New York Times accusation on Thursday according to which Benedict failed to act over an American priest accused of molesting up to 200 deaf children between 1950 and 1974.
The New York Times published documents showing that top Vatican officials, including Ratzinger -- who was elected pope in 2005 -- never took action against the priest, despite warnings from US bishops.
Benedict has continually spoken out and apologised for the "heinous crime" of child sex abuse by priests, meeting victims in the United States and in Australia.
The Vatican says it received 3,000 reports between 2001 and 2010 of sexual abuse of children by Catholic clergy committed over the past 50 years.
Also Friday, the Legionaries of Christ, an influential order, apologised for the "reprehensible actions" of their late founder Marcial Maciel after a Vatican probe concluded he had molested seminarians and fathered children.
A man believed to be the son of Macial, Raul Gonzalez Lara, said on Mexican radio that the apology was insufficient and that "needs to be accompanied by compensation."
Related article: England's Catholic leader defends pope .
AFP March 27, 2010, 7:50 am
Related Links
o Vatican reacts on Pope inaction claims March 26, 2010, 7:50 am
o Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologizes to victims March 27, 2010, 1:42 am
o Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologises to victims March 27, 2010, 1:43 am
o European Catholic leaders rally behind pope March 27, 2010, 5:55 am
o Vatican faces calls to end 'secrecy' March 27, 2010, 2:41 pm
VATICAN CITY (AFP) - The Vatican fought on Friday to limit the damage from a report alleging Pope Benedict XVI failed to bar the transfer of a known paedophile priest.
The fresh allegation added fuel to the fire after child abuse scandals sweeping Catholic churches around the world have encouraged more and more victims to speak out.
The New York Times reported on Friday that Pope Benedict failed to act in 1980 to stop Reverend Peter Hullerman, accused of sexually abusing children, from taking up new duties in a different parish in Germany.
"The then archbishop had no knowledge of the decision to reassign (Hullerman) to pastoral activities in a parish," the Vatican said in a statement, adding that it "rejects any other version of events as mere speculation."
Hullerman was suspended from his duties in the northern German town of Essen in late 1979 over allegations that he abused an 11-year-old boy.
The following January, the then Joseph Ratzinger led a meeting approving Hullerman's transfer to Munich despite a memo warning that the priest was a potential "danger," the Times said.
Six years later, in 1986, Hullerman was found guilty of molesting boys in another Bavarian parish.
"The article in The New York Times contains no new information beyond that which the archdiocese has already communicated concerning the then archbishop's knowledge of the situation of Father H.," the Vatican said.
The Munich archdiocese issued a statement on March 12 confirming that Benedict "took part" in a decision to offer accommodation to Hullerman while he underwent therapy, but former vicar-general Gerhard Gruber took "all responsibility" for the transfer decision that was taken later.
"The repeated employment of H. in priestly spiritual duties was a bad mistake. I assume all responsibility," Gruber said in the statement.
New allegations of child sex abuse against Hullerman emerged this week dating both from his time in Essen and from 1998 in a different southern town.
The case comes on the heels of another New York Times accusation on Thursday according to which Benedict failed to act over an American priest accused of molesting up to 200 deaf children between 1950 and 1974.
The New York Times published documents showing that top Vatican officials, including Ratzinger -- who was elected pope in 2005 -- never took action against the priest, despite warnings from US bishops.
Benedict has continually spoken out and apologised for the "heinous crime" of child sex abuse by priests, meeting victims in the United States and in Australia.
The Vatican says it received 3,000 reports between 2001 and 2010 of sexual abuse of children by Catholic clergy committed over the past 50 years.
Also Friday, the Legionaries of Christ, an influential order, apologised for the "reprehensible actions" of their late founder Marcial Maciel after a Vatican probe concluded he had molested seminarians and fathered children.
A man believed to be the son of Macial, Raul Gonzalez Lara, said on Mexican radio that the apology was insufficient and that "needs to be accompanied by compensation."
Related article: England's Catholic leader defends pope .
Scandal_Bao Che TỘI ÁC có phải ĐỒNG LÕA với TỘI ÁC ???_Sưu tầm Tin Thế Giới (4)
European Catholic leaders rally behind pope
Tom Heneghan, Religion Editor, Reuters March 27, 2010, 5:55 am
Reuters © Enlarge photo
Related Links
o Vatican reacts on Pope inaction claims March 26, 2010, 7:50 am
o Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologizes to victims March 27, 2010, 1:42 am
o Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologises to victims March 27, 2010, 1:43 am
o Vatican dismisses fresh New York Times allegation March 27, 2010, 7:50 am
o Vatican faces calls to end 'secrecy' March 27, 2010, 2:41 pm
PARIS (Reuters) - Catholic churches in Europe rallied behind Pope Benedict on Friday, rejecting claims he had covered up child sex abuse by priests and praising him as a leader determined to combat scandals challenging the Church.
France's bishops conference, the archbishop of London and the Munich archdiocese that Benedict once headed all rejected allegations from the media a day after the Vatican angrily accused its critics of an "ignoble attempt" to smear him.
Also on Friday, Bishop Adrianus van Luyn, head of the Dutch bishops conference, admitted he knew three decades ago about abuse cases there revealed last month. More than 1,100 people have since reported claims to an abuse hotline.
In Rome, an influential order of priests, whose late founder Rev. Marcial Maciel was found to be a molester who had fathered at least one child, apologised to abuse victims and disowned him.
"Very Holy Father ... we send you a cordial message of support in this difficult period our Church is going through," the French bishops said in a statement that referred to "a campaign to attack your person and your service to the Church."
Writing in the London Times, Archbishop Vincent Nichols said Benedict made important changes in Church law to fight child abuse when he was the Vatican's top doctrinal official.
"He is not an idle observer. His actions speak as well as his words," he wrote.
Both Nichols and the French bishops expressed sympathy with abuse victims and said their national churches had taken decisive steps to root out offenders and safeguard children.
"I am ashamed of what happened and understand the outrage and anger it has provoked," Nichols wrote.
"We all feel shame and regret at the abominable acts committed by certain priests," the French statement said.
The Munich archdiocese Benedict headed between 1977 and 1982 denied a New York Times report that the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger had been informed that a priest under therapy for paedophilia was reassigned to a post with access to children.
"We stand by our account that Cardinal Ratzinger didn't know about this decision," spokesman Bernhard Kellner told Reuters. "I cannot confirm he knew about this."
The Times report said Ratzinger was copied in on a memo about the transfer of Rev. Peter Hullermann, who was convicted six years later of molesting a boy but remained active as a priest until he was identified in the current scandal wave.
"An archbishop doesn't read all the administrative acts. He just can't. That's why he has a vicar general," Kellner added.
The then vicar general, Rev. Gerhard Gruber, took full responsibility earlier this month for reinstating Hullermann, who has since been suspended from his priestly duties.
The New York Times reported on Thursday that the Vatican did not defrock a U.S. priest accused of sexually abusing up to 200 deaf boys in Milwaukee from the 1950s to the 1970s.
A Vatican spokesman said civil authorities had investigated his abuse in 1974 without bringing charges against him.
In the Netherlands, the Dutch bishops conference confirmed that Bishop van Luyn had known about sexual abuse cases in boarding schools run by the Salesian order of priests when he was their Dutch province leader from 1975 to 1981.
The Dutch bishops launched an independent inquiry headed by a Protestant politician soon after victims, emboldened by debates about sexual abuse in Ireland and Germany, came forward early this month to accuse three Salesian priests of abuse.
"In his capacity as provincial from 1975 to 1981, the then Rev. van Luyn did learn about some cases and had to take measures," it said in a statement without saying what he did.
"The bishop will wait to speak to the independent inquiry that is now being prepared," it added. A Church hotline for abuse victims has received over 1,100 calls since early March.
Cardinal Adrianus Simonis, retired archbishop of Utrecht, caused an uproar this week by saying bishops were as uninformed about abuse years ago as wartime Germans were of the Holocaust. He said on Friday he regretted the comparison.
Tom Heneghan, Religion Editor, Reuters March 27, 2010, 5:55 am
Reuters © Enlarge photo
Related Links
o Vatican reacts on Pope inaction claims March 26, 2010, 7:50 am
o Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologizes to victims March 27, 2010, 1:42 am
o Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologises to victims March 27, 2010, 1:43 am
o Vatican dismisses fresh New York Times allegation March 27, 2010, 7:50 am
o Vatican faces calls to end 'secrecy' March 27, 2010, 2:41 pm
PARIS (Reuters) - Catholic churches in Europe rallied behind Pope Benedict on Friday, rejecting claims he had covered up child sex abuse by priests and praising him as a leader determined to combat scandals challenging the Church.
France's bishops conference, the archbishop of London and the Munich archdiocese that Benedict once headed all rejected allegations from the media a day after the Vatican angrily accused its critics of an "ignoble attempt" to smear him.
Also on Friday, Bishop Adrianus van Luyn, head of the Dutch bishops conference, admitted he knew three decades ago about abuse cases there revealed last month. More than 1,100 people have since reported claims to an abuse hotline.
In Rome, an influential order of priests, whose late founder Rev. Marcial Maciel was found to be a molester who had fathered at least one child, apologised to abuse victims and disowned him.
"Very Holy Father ... we send you a cordial message of support in this difficult period our Church is going through," the French bishops said in a statement that referred to "a campaign to attack your person and your service to the Church."
Writing in the London Times, Archbishop Vincent Nichols said Benedict made important changes in Church law to fight child abuse when he was the Vatican's top doctrinal official.
"He is not an idle observer. His actions speak as well as his words," he wrote.
Both Nichols and the French bishops expressed sympathy with abuse victims and said their national churches had taken decisive steps to root out offenders and safeguard children.
"I am ashamed of what happened and understand the outrage and anger it has provoked," Nichols wrote.
"We all feel shame and regret at the abominable acts committed by certain priests," the French statement said.
The Munich archdiocese Benedict headed between 1977 and 1982 denied a New York Times report that the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger had been informed that a priest under therapy for paedophilia was reassigned to a post with access to children.
"We stand by our account that Cardinal Ratzinger didn't know about this decision," spokesman Bernhard Kellner told Reuters. "I cannot confirm he knew about this."
The Times report said Ratzinger was copied in on a memo about the transfer of Rev. Peter Hullermann, who was convicted six years later of molesting a boy but remained active as a priest until he was identified in the current scandal wave.
"An archbishop doesn't read all the administrative acts. He just can't. That's why he has a vicar general," Kellner added.
The then vicar general, Rev. Gerhard Gruber, took full responsibility earlier this month for reinstating Hullermann, who has since been suspended from his priestly duties.
The New York Times reported on Thursday that the Vatican did not defrock a U.S. priest accused of sexually abusing up to 200 deaf boys in Milwaukee from the 1950s to the 1970s.
A Vatican spokesman said civil authorities had investigated his abuse in 1974 without bringing charges against him.
In the Netherlands, the Dutch bishops conference confirmed that Bishop van Luyn had known about sexual abuse cases in boarding schools run by the Salesian order of priests when he was their Dutch province leader from 1975 to 1981.
The Dutch bishops launched an independent inquiry headed by a Protestant politician soon after victims, emboldened by debates about sexual abuse in Ireland and Germany, came forward early this month to accuse three Salesian priests of abuse.
"In his capacity as provincial from 1975 to 1981, the then Rev. van Luyn did learn about some cases and had to take measures," it said in a statement without saying what he did.
"The bishop will wait to speak to the independent inquiry that is now being prepared," it added. A Church hotline for abuse victims has received over 1,100 calls since early March.
Cardinal Adrianus Simonis, retired archbishop of Utrecht, caused an uproar this week by saying bishops were as uninformed about abuse years ago as wartime Germans were of the Holocaust. He said on Friday he regretted the comparison.
Scandal_Bao Che TỘI ÁC có phải ĐỒNG LÕA với TỘI ÁC ???_Sưu tầm Tin Thế Giới (3)
Pope at centre of child abuse storm
By Michele Leridon, AAP March 28, 2010, 5:55 am
AFP © Enlarge photo
Related Links
o Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologizes to victims March 27, 2010, 1:42 am
o Vatican reacts on Pope inaction claims March 26, 2010, 7:50 am
o Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologises to victims March 27, 2010, 1:43 am
o European Catholic leaders rally behind pope March 27, 2010, 5:55 am
o Vatican dismisses fresh New York Times allegation March 27, 2010, 7:50 am
The child abuse scandal rocking the Catholic Church has homed in on Pope Benedict XVI, who's been labelled the "biggest sinner" in one newspaper, but the Vatican says his handling of the crisis will only strengthen his authority.
As allegations piled up of sexual molestation by priests in the scandal that has swept the United States and Europe, the media expressed shock and bewilderment in comments and editorials on Saturday.
"How could the Catholics do such a thing?" asked Britain's The Independent newspaper.
How could priests receive the host in communion "while raping children?" it wondered. "What was going on in their souls?"
In Spain's El Pais, a theology professor remarked that the Roman Catholic Church was quick to link abortion with sin but had "difficulty doing the same thing when it came to sexual abuse committed by people dedicated to God".
A poll in Germany's Stern magazine found falling confidence in the Church, standing at 17 per cent from 29 per cent in January, with faith in the Pope down to 24 per cent from 38 per cent in the same period.
"The Pope is surely the biggest sinner in the whole Catholic Church," one Swiss national was quoted as saying in the Tribune de Geneve newspaper.
But the Vatican - which dismissed a New York Times report on Friday that Benedict had failed to act in 1980 to stop a priest accused of sexually abusing children - said he will not be weakened by the crisis.
"The recent media attacks have without doubt caused damage," Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi told Italy's ANSA news agency.
"But the authority of the Pope and the commitment of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - the Church's morals watchdog once headed by Benedict - against sex abuse of minors will come out of this not weakened but strengthened," he said.
The way the Church deals with the issue "is crucial for its moral credibility", he conceded.
Some Catholics recalled a March 2005 statement the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger made several weeks before taking over as Pope on the death of John Paul II.
"How much filth there is in the Church, and even among those who, in the priesthood, ought to belong entirely to (Christ)," he wrote.
"Lord, your Church often seems like a boat about to sink, a boat taking in water on every side," he said, apparently mindful of offences that led him to initiate in 1981 a decree to keep pedophile priests away from children.
He was "the first to see the need for new, stricter rules" to attack pedophilia, said German Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, in Corriere della Sera.
"The first concern is for the victims... we need a culture of care and courage, to clean up. The path we are on is irreversible and it is good it is that way," he said in an interview.
There may be a cleanout but no one expects anything too dramatic, said Italian journalist Sandro Magister, who specialises on the Catholic Church and the Vatican.
"At every controversy, some people try to propose total reform of the Church," he told AFP.
But the pope has already, for example, defended celibacy for priests after suggestions it may be behind sexual frustration that results in abuse of children.
Germany's Der Spiegel said the furore might force Benedict to resign, but that seems highly unlikely: the pope is appointed for life and in the past 2,000 years there have been only two resignations - in 1294 and 1415.
By Michele Leridon, AAP March 28, 2010, 5:55 am
AFP © Enlarge photo
Related Links
o Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologizes to victims March 27, 2010, 1:42 am
o Vatican reacts on Pope inaction claims March 26, 2010, 7:50 am
o Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologises to victims March 27, 2010, 1:43 am
o European Catholic leaders rally behind pope March 27, 2010, 5:55 am
o Vatican dismisses fresh New York Times allegation March 27, 2010, 7:50 am
The child abuse scandal rocking the Catholic Church has homed in on Pope Benedict XVI, who's been labelled the "biggest sinner" in one newspaper, but the Vatican says his handling of the crisis will only strengthen his authority.
As allegations piled up of sexual molestation by priests in the scandal that has swept the United States and Europe, the media expressed shock and bewilderment in comments and editorials on Saturday.
"How could the Catholics do such a thing?" asked Britain's The Independent newspaper.
How could priests receive the host in communion "while raping children?" it wondered. "What was going on in their souls?"
In Spain's El Pais, a theology professor remarked that the Roman Catholic Church was quick to link abortion with sin but had "difficulty doing the same thing when it came to sexual abuse committed by people dedicated to God".
A poll in Germany's Stern magazine found falling confidence in the Church, standing at 17 per cent from 29 per cent in January, with faith in the Pope down to 24 per cent from 38 per cent in the same period.
"The Pope is surely the biggest sinner in the whole Catholic Church," one Swiss national was quoted as saying in the Tribune de Geneve newspaper.
But the Vatican - which dismissed a New York Times report on Friday that Benedict had failed to act in 1980 to stop a priest accused of sexually abusing children - said he will not be weakened by the crisis.
"The recent media attacks have without doubt caused damage," Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi told Italy's ANSA news agency.
"But the authority of the Pope and the commitment of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - the Church's morals watchdog once headed by Benedict - against sex abuse of minors will come out of this not weakened but strengthened," he said.
The way the Church deals with the issue "is crucial for its moral credibility", he conceded.
Some Catholics recalled a March 2005 statement the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger made several weeks before taking over as Pope on the death of John Paul II.
"How much filth there is in the Church, and even among those who, in the priesthood, ought to belong entirely to (Christ)," he wrote.
"Lord, your Church often seems like a boat about to sink, a boat taking in water on every side," he said, apparently mindful of offences that led him to initiate in 1981 a decree to keep pedophile priests away from children.
He was "the first to see the need for new, stricter rules" to attack pedophilia, said German Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, in Corriere della Sera.
"The first concern is for the victims... we need a culture of care and courage, to clean up. The path we are on is irreversible and it is good it is that way," he said in an interview.
There may be a cleanout but no one expects anything too dramatic, said Italian journalist Sandro Magister, who specialises on the Catholic Church and the Vatican.
"At every controversy, some people try to propose total reform of the Church," he told AFP.
But the pope has already, for example, defended celibacy for priests after suggestions it may be behind sexual frustration that results in abuse of children.
Germany's Der Spiegel said the furore might force Benedict to resign, but that seems highly unlikely: the pope is appointed for life and in the past 2,000 years there have been only two resignations - in 1294 and 1415.
Scandal_Bao Che TỘI ÁC có phải ĐỒNG LÕA với TỘI ÁC ???_Sưu tầm Tin Thế Giới (2)
Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologizes to victims
Philip Pullella, Reuters March 27, 2010, 1:42 am
Reuters © Enlarge photo
Related Links
o Germans put sunny Australia in the shade March 27, 2010, 2:32 am
o Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologises to victims March 27, 2010, 1:43 am
o European Catholic leaders rally behind pope March 27, 2010, 5:55 am
o Police chief beheaded in north Mexico March 27, 2010, 7:30 am
o Vatican dismisses fresh New York Times allegation March 27, 2010, 7:50 am
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - An influential Catholic priestly order whose late founder was discovered to have been a sexual molester and to have fathered at least one child apologized on Friday to victims whose accusations were ignored.
The apology from the leaders of the Legion of Christ "to all those who have been affected, wounded, or scandalized by the reprehensible actions of our founder" came as the Catholic Church is being convulsed over reports of abuse of children.
Last week, the Vatican announced the completion of a one-year inquiry of the conservative order, which involved visits by papal inspectors to its more than 120 seminaries, 200 schools and 600 centres for lay Catholics around the world.
Father Marcial Maciel, who died in 2008 at the age of 87, was a cult figure within the order and for years had the ear of the late Pope John Paul II despite allegations that he had abused young male seminarians.
The order later found that he had lived a double life for decades and the revelations dealt a severe moral blow to the priestly order and its lay branch, Regnum Christi, which has tens of thousands of members.
In a statement believed to be unprecedented in the history of a Catholic religious order, the Legion disowned its founder: "We accept that, given the gravity of his faults, we cannot take his person as a model of Christian or priestly life."
While heading an order of priests who take vows of celibacy, he had a mistress with whom he fathered at least one child in Mexico and perhaps had two other children by another woman.
"We later came to know that Fr Maciel had fathered a daughter in the context of a prolonged and stable relationship with a woman, and committed other grave acts," the statement said.
Former students for the priesthood accused Maciel of sexually abusing them when they were teenagers but the order denied the allegations for years. They were confirmed in Friday's statement.
"We ask all those who accused him in the past to forgive us, those whom we did not believe or were incapable of giving a hearing to, since at the time we could not imagine that such behavior took place," the order said in a statement.
Founded by Maciel, a Mexican, in 1941, the order now has about 850 priests and 2,500 seminarians in 21 countries. It also runs a pontifical university in Rome.
In 2006, after new evidence, Pope Benedict ordered Maciel to retire to a life of "prayer and penitence." At the time, the sanctions made him one of the most prominent persons to be disciplined for sexual abuse in the Church's history. He died in 2008, still a priest.
Amid accusations from some critics that Pope Benedict may have looked the other way on cases of sexual abuse before his election -- accusations the Vatican has rejected -- officials have pointed to his firm handling of the Maciel case as evidence of what they say is his tough stand on the issue.
His supporters say he took action while his predecessor John Paul did not give credence to the accusations of abuse.
Like in many religious institutions, the founder became a cult figure among members, even while he was alive, and many refused to believe that he had done anything wrong.
Critics both inside and outside the order said it would have been impossible for Maciel to have led a double life without his top aides knowing about it and the order addressed the issue in its statement.
"If it turns out that anyone culpably cooperated in his misdeeds we will act according to the principles of Christian justice and charity, holding these people responsible for their actions," it said.
But questions have remained over whether any of the current leaders may have had a role in helping Maciel hide his double life. A spokeswoman for the order said she did not know which current leaders were in their roles while Maciel was in power.
Philip Pullella, Reuters March 27, 2010, 1:42 am
Reuters © Enlarge photo
Related Links
o Germans put sunny Australia in the shade March 27, 2010, 2:32 am
o Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologises to victims March 27, 2010, 1:43 am
o European Catholic leaders rally behind pope March 27, 2010, 5:55 am
o Police chief beheaded in north Mexico March 27, 2010, 7:30 am
o Vatican dismisses fresh New York Times allegation March 27, 2010, 7:50 am
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - An influential Catholic priestly order whose late founder was discovered to have been a sexual molester and to have fathered at least one child apologized on Friday to victims whose accusations were ignored.
The apology from the leaders of the Legion of Christ "to all those who have been affected, wounded, or scandalized by the reprehensible actions of our founder" came as the Catholic Church is being convulsed over reports of abuse of children.
Last week, the Vatican announced the completion of a one-year inquiry of the conservative order, which involved visits by papal inspectors to its more than 120 seminaries, 200 schools and 600 centres for lay Catholics around the world.
Father Marcial Maciel, who died in 2008 at the age of 87, was a cult figure within the order and for years had the ear of the late Pope John Paul II despite allegations that he had abused young male seminarians.
The order later found that he had lived a double life for decades and the revelations dealt a severe moral blow to the priestly order and its lay branch, Regnum Christi, which has tens of thousands of members.
In a statement believed to be unprecedented in the history of a Catholic religious order, the Legion disowned its founder: "We accept that, given the gravity of his faults, we cannot take his person as a model of Christian or priestly life."
While heading an order of priests who take vows of celibacy, he had a mistress with whom he fathered at least one child in Mexico and perhaps had two other children by another woman.
"We later came to know that Fr Maciel had fathered a daughter in the context of a prolonged and stable relationship with a woman, and committed other grave acts," the statement said.
Former students for the priesthood accused Maciel of sexually abusing them when they were teenagers but the order denied the allegations for years. They were confirmed in Friday's statement.
"We ask all those who accused him in the past to forgive us, those whom we did not believe or were incapable of giving a hearing to, since at the time we could not imagine that such behavior took place," the order said in a statement.
Founded by Maciel, a Mexican, in 1941, the order now has about 850 priests and 2,500 seminarians in 21 countries. It also runs a pontifical university in Rome.
In 2006, after new evidence, Pope Benedict ordered Maciel to retire to a life of "prayer and penitence." At the time, the sanctions made him one of the most prominent persons to be disciplined for sexual abuse in the Church's history. He died in 2008, still a priest.
Amid accusations from some critics that Pope Benedict may have looked the other way on cases of sexual abuse before his election -- accusations the Vatican has rejected -- officials have pointed to his firm handling of the Maciel case as evidence of what they say is his tough stand on the issue.
His supporters say he took action while his predecessor John Paul did not give credence to the accusations of abuse.
Like in many religious institutions, the founder became a cult figure among members, even while he was alive, and many refused to believe that he had done anything wrong.
Critics both inside and outside the order said it would have been impossible for Maciel to have led a double life without his top aides knowing about it and the order addressed the issue in its statement.
"If it turns out that anyone culpably cooperated in his misdeeds we will act according to the principles of Christian justice and charity, holding these people responsible for their actions," it said.
But questions have remained over whether any of the current leaders may have had a role in helping Maciel hide his double life. A spokeswoman for the order said she did not know which current leaders were in their roles while Maciel was in power.
Scandal_Bao Che TỘI ÁC có phải ĐỒNG LÕA với TỘI ÁC ???_Sưu tầm Tin Thế Giới (1)
Vatican reacts on Pope inaction claims
by Michele Leridon, AAP March 26, 2010, 7:50 am
AFP © Enlarge photo
Related Links
o Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologizes to victims March 27, 2010, 1:42 am
o Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologises to victims March 27, 2010, 1:43 am
o European Catholic leaders rally behind pope March 27, 2010, 5:55 am
o Vatican dismisses fresh New York Times allegation March 27, 2010, 7:50 am
o Vatican faces calls to end 'secrecy' March 27, 2010, 2:41 pm
The Vatican has hit back at new paedophilia revelations, defending Pope Benedict XVI against an allegation that he failed to act over a US priest accused of molesting up to 200 deaf children in the 1970s.
The Roman Catholic Church's morals watchdog then headed by the future pope was reportedly alerted twice by the archbishop of Wisconsin of the accusations against Reverend Lawrence Murphy.
Benedict, then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, did not respond to the letters, and a secret canonical trial authorised by his deputy was halted after Murphy wrote a pleading letter to the future pope, the New York Times said, citing documents provided by victims' lawyers.
The Vatican replied on Thursday that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith chaired by Ratzinger had suggested "restricting" Murphy's public functions and "requiring (him to) accept full responsibility for the gravity of his acts."
The priest was accused of abusing hearing-impaired children systematically between 1950 and 1974, according to the Times report.
It quoted Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi as saying the congregation, which safeguards Catholic doctrine and morals, delegated the "tragic case" to the archbishop of Milwaukee in the late 1990s.
Its rationale was that "Father Murphy was elderly and in very poor health, and that he was living in seclusion and no allegations of abuse had been reported in over 20 years," Thursday's statement added, noting that Murphy died in 1998, four months after the congregation's instruction.
It said that some of Murphy's victims had reported the abuse to "civil authorities", who subsequently dropped their investigation.
The congregation, which Ratzinger headed from 1981 until 2005, was asked "how to treat the Murphy case canonically," the Vatican said, noting that Murphy was accused of soliciting sex from boys while hearing their confessions.
A Vatican watcher mocked the statement, saying: "From the canonical point of view (Ratzinger) followed the procedures."
Speaking on condition of anonymity, he told AFP: "This Nuremberg-style defence is completely inappropriate and cannot mollify public opinion."
The reference was to the 1946 Nuremberg trials of senior Nazis, who told the court that they had only followed orders.
"With old guys who are no longer in the field, this is how the Vatican always handled it," said another Vatican expert, John Allen of the National Catholic Reporter. "Through their eyes that was considered compassionate justice; to the outside world it looks like a free pass."
"Is it enough? It's probably not going to satisfy the critics," Allen said.
The new revelation follows months of predator priest scandals in Europe, including Ireland, Austria, The Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland, as well as the pope's native Germany.
Two revelations in Germany concerned the pope and his brother Georg, the first having authorised lodging for a known abuser and the second having headed a boys' choir whose members had earlier suffered abuse.
Most of the cases coming to light in recent months and years date back several decades.
"There's a snowball effect," said analyst Bruno Bartoloni. "The victims are no longer ashamed to talk about the abuse, and the Church will have to radically change its attitude, which used to be to avoid scandal at all costs."
Benedict has continually spoken out and apologised for the "heinous crime" of child sex abuse by priests, meeting victims in the United States and in Australia.
As Cardinal Ratzinger he initiated a decree issued by Pope John Paul II in 2001 ordering bishops to report abuse cases to the Vatican and remove abusers from contact with youth.
But victims' groups have demanded a formal apology for the role of the Vatican.
On Thursday protesters from the US-based Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) called on the pope to publish secret archives on paedophile priest cases and hand them over to the police.
"The pope must immediately issue an edict obliging all the bishops of the world to turn paedophile priests in to the police and remove them from the priesthood," SNAP President Barbara Blaine told the ANSA news agency.
by Michele Leridon, AAP March 26, 2010, 7:50 am
AFP © Enlarge photo
Related Links
o Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologizes to victims March 27, 2010, 1:42 am
o Scandal-plagued Catholic order apologises to victims March 27, 2010, 1:43 am
o European Catholic leaders rally behind pope March 27, 2010, 5:55 am
o Vatican dismisses fresh New York Times allegation March 27, 2010, 7:50 am
o Vatican faces calls to end 'secrecy' March 27, 2010, 2:41 pm
The Vatican has hit back at new paedophilia revelations, defending Pope Benedict XVI against an allegation that he failed to act over a US priest accused of molesting up to 200 deaf children in the 1970s.
The Roman Catholic Church's morals watchdog then headed by the future pope was reportedly alerted twice by the archbishop of Wisconsin of the accusations against Reverend Lawrence Murphy.
Benedict, then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, did not respond to the letters, and a secret canonical trial authorised by his deputy was halted after Murphy wrote a pleading letter to the future pope, the New York Times said, citing documents provided by victims' lawyers.
The Vatican replied on Thursday that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith chaired by Ratzinger had suggested "restricting" Murphy's public functions and "requiring (him to) accept full responsibility for the gravity of his acts."
The priest was accused of abusing hearing-impaired children systematically between 1950 and 1974, according to the Times report.
It quoted Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi as saying the congregation, which safeguards Catholic doctrine and morals, delegated the "tragic case" to the archbishop of Milwaukee in the late 1990s.
Its rationale was that "Father Murphy was elderly and in very poor health, and that he was living in seclusion and no allegations of abuse had been reported in over 20 years," Thursday's statement added, noting that Murphy died in 1998, four months after the congregation's instruction.
It said that some of Murphy's victims had reported the abuse to "civil authorities", who subsequently dropped their investigation.
The congregation, which Ratzinger headed from 1981 until 2005, was asked "how to treat the Murphy case canonically," the Vatican said, noting that Murphy was accused of soliciting sex from boys while hearing their confessions.
A Vatican watcher mocked the statement, saying: "From the canonical point of view (Ratzinger) followed the procedures."
Speaking on condition of anonymity, he told AFP: "This Nuremberg-style defence is completely inappropriate and cannot mollify public opinion."
The reference was to the 1946 Nuremberg trials of senior Nazis, who told the court that they had only followed orders.
"With old guys who are no longer in the field, this is how the Vatican always handled it," said another Vatican expert, John Allen of the National Catholic Reporter. "Through their eyes that was considered compassionate justice; to the outside world it looks like a free pass."
"Is it enough? It's probably not going to satisfy the critics," Allen said.
The new revelation follows months of predator priest scandals in Europe, including Ireland, Austria, The Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland, as well as the pope's native Germany.
Two revelations in Germany concerned the pope and his brother Georg, the first having authorised lodging for a known abuser and the second having headed a boys' choir whose members had earlier suffered abuse.
Most of the cases coming to light in recent months and years date back several decades.
"There's a snowball effect," said analyst Bruno Bartoloni. "The victims are no longer ashamed to talk about the abuse, and the Church will have to radically change its attitude, which used to be to avoid scandal at all costs."
Benedict has continually spoken out and apologised for the "heinous crime" of child sex abuse by priests, meeting victims in the United States and in Australia.
As Cardinal Ratzinger he initiated a decree issued by Pope John Paul II in 2001 ordering bishops to report abuse cases to the Vatican and remove abusers from contact with youth.
But victims' groups have demanded a formal apology for the role of the Vatican.
On Thursday protesters from the US-based Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) called on the pope to publish secret archives on paedophile priest cases and hand them over to the police.
"The pope must immediately issue an edict obliging all the bishops of the world to turn paedophile priests in to the police and remove them from the priesthood," SNAP President Barbara Blaine told the ANSA news agency.
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Ý kiến về cái gọi là "Lời xin lỗi chân thành, món nợ 35 năm đến hồi phải trả!"

Những cực hình man rợ hành hạ giết dân dã man tàn bạo của tập đòan THÚ VẬT csVN
và còn hàng triệu những TỘI ÁC vô tiền khóang hậu của tập đòan ÁC THÚ csVN đã gây ra và vẫn còn đang tiếp tục gây ra trên Đất Nước VN đọa đày hàng ngày, hàng giờ ..
Ai dám nói lũ Bán Nước Diệt Chủng csVN chỉ còn "nợ Dân Tộc VN một lời xin lỗi " dù đó là cái gọi là "lời xin lỗi chân thành" ???
và còn hàng triệu những TỘI ÁC vô tiền khóang hậu của tập đòan ÁC THÚ csVN đã gây ra và vẫn còn đang tiếp tục gây ra trên Đất Nước VN đọa đày hàng ngày, hàng giờ ..
Ai dám nói lũ Bán Nước Diệt Chủng csVN chỉ còn "nợ Dân Tộc VN một lời xin lỗi " dù đó là cái gọi là "lời xin lỗi chân thành" ???
Hôm nay, nhân đọc bài viết: "Nhắn anh Bùi Tín: Món Nợ Không Thể Trả " của GS Trần Đình Ngọc trả lời bài viết "Lời xin lỗi chân thành, món nợ 35 năm đến hồi phải trả!" của Bùi Tín, cbQR xin được "post" lại bài thơ con cóc, ngày 18-02-2010 dưới đây thay vài suy nghĩ thô thiển và còn nhiều thiếu sót về cái gọi là "Lời xin lỗi chân thành, món nợ 35 năm đến hồi phải trả !" của tập đoàn chó má CƯỚP NƯỚC, DIỆT CHỦNG, PHẢN QUỐC, BÁN NƯỚC csVN mà bè lũ cò mồi chó ghẻ trong và ngòai nước đã và đang mớm để rửa tội cho lũ chó má csVN cũng như muốn duy trì cái chế độ xuống hàng chó ngựa của chúng.
Hãy nhìn vào những gì bè lũ chó má csVN đã và đang làm suốt 35 năm qua từ sau ngày chúng chiếm tòan cõi Giang Sơn Việt. Hãy sáng suốt để nhìn cho ra lý do tại sao lũ chó ghẻ trong và ngoài nước vẫn cố tình rửa mặt cho lũ TỘI ĐỒ DÂN TỘC csVN.
( "Một lời xin lỗi" CÓ, KHÔNG, ÍCH gì ???
Thật quá ngây thơ quá dại khờ
Còn nằm trong mộng ngủ trong mơ
Còn tin Việt cộng còn o bế
Còn cố bao che lũ giặc hồ
Đảng CƯỚP Việt gian, đảng TỘI ĐỒ
Giết Dân BÁN NƯỚC đại tham ô
Thờ tàu, đội hán, vô Tông Tổ
Bán nước buôn nòi thật nhuốc nhơ
TỘI ÁC Việt gian đã để mồ
Vẫn còn có kẻ muốn bưng bô
Quốc dân cả nước còn chưa xử
Ai dám thứ tha lũ ÁC ĐỒ ?
"Sai lầm" chi với lũ phi nhân
Đừng ba hoa giở trò ma cạo
"Xin lỗi" Quốc Dân để cố quyền
Bọn khốn kiếp chưa hề biết lỗi
Lũ cò mồi đã dọn đường hưu
Cả tay sai bắt bè bê đội
Cùng hứng tung :"ai chả lỗi lầm" !
Sai lầm chi cả trăm năm
Hành hạ, giết chóc, tuyệt mầm Dân Nam
Vô loài độc ác dã man
Trên đời chỉ có Việt gian đảng hồ
Chúng sống khỏe, Dân chết mòn
Diệt chủng kiểu mới là đòn chúng đi
Tinh vi rất mực tinh vi
Chúng còn cai trị, Dân thì diệt vong
Dân Việt phải nhớ nằm lòng
Cộng phỉ không phải con Rồng cháu Tiên
Bám đôn đế Mỹ, lòn trôn chuột tàu
MẤT DẠY là lũ quy đầu
Tiếp tay cộng đảng mưu cầu lợi danh
Mớm cho lũ giặc lưu manh
"Một Lời xin lỗi Quốc dân đồng bào" !?
Đúng là cái bọn hưu, ngao
Ngây ngô ngờ nghệch khác nào nai tơ
Hủy diệt Văn Hóa, Nhục lăng Ông Bà
Nhục Quốc Thể, Nhơ Nước Nhà
Mầm non đất nước nhiễm tà, lai căng
Sa đọa, nhục thể, loạn cuồng
Ăn chơi hưởng thụ như loài THÚ TÂN
Bán trôn, bán miệng, bán tâm
Nhầy nhụa ngụp lặn hoa trăng kiếp LỪA
Nhục nhằn dưới bóng "thiền" đưa
Của loài quỷ đỏ không chừa mưu ma
Còn đâu rường cột Quốc Gia
Chống giặc cứu nước giữ nhà Việt Nam ???
Biển Đông loan máu Lạc Hồng
Tàu giết dân Việt, đảng câm miệng chồn
Bán nước đảng ngậm bồ hòn
Từ trên xuống dưới lòn trôn thằng tàu
NHỤC thay hai chữ "sĩ phu"
Từ nam chí bắc ngục tù lương tri
Ngày xưa đứng "dậy mà đi"
Giết dân hại nước chỉ vì "lầm ta"
Ngày nay đã thấy rõ ra
Cộng đảng BÁN NƯỚC lại là "lầm tôi"
Thương thay cái lũ cò mồi
Chờ lời "xin lỗi" của loài dã nhân
Thương thay một lũ "sĩ" đần
Thậm thò thậm thụt chia phần đảng gian
TỘI ÁC Việt cộng đã làm
Uất ngập Non Thái Hờn tràn Biển Đông
Ố khí bao phủ Núi Sông
"Một lời xin lỗi" CÓ, KHÔNG, ÍCH gì ???
Thương thay "hữu trí" vô tri
Vô tình , hữu ý duy trì đảng gian
Bám quyền lực, giữ ngai vàng
Thương thay một lũ vong nô
Ngàn năm chữ NHỤC trên mồ: Việt gian .
Quốc dân Việt hãy đứng lên
Trị tội cộng đảng Việt gian TỘI ĐỒ
Quốc dân Việt hãy đứng lên
Diệt Cộng Cứu Nước Xây Nền Tự Do .
(Soi Dòng Sông Chữ Thấy Mù Tâm .. )
Ghi vội cảm nghĩ khi đọc một vài bài viết cũng như nghe một vài kẻ "sĩ" đợi, "sĩ" đờ, "sĩ" mờ .. chờ tập đoàn THÚ VẬT csVN nói lời "xin lỗi" dân tộc Việt Nam, thay vì phải kêu gọi Quốc dân đồng bào cùng đứng lên lật đổ lũ ÁC THÚ csVN này để tự giải thóat kiếp nô lệ cho mình và giữ gìn toàn vẹn Lãnh Thổ Giang Sơn Việt, rửa NHỤC cho Dân Tộc Việt và xây dựng lại một Nước Việt, không có lũ bán nước hại nòi làm nhơ danh người Việt là lũ THÚ VẬT csVN ..) .
Hãy nhìn vào những gì bè lũ chó má csVN đã và đang làm suốt 35 năm qua từ sau ngày chúng chiếm tòan cõi Giang Sơn Việt. Hãy sáng suốt để nhìn cho ra lý do tại sao lũ chó ghẻ trong và ngoài nước vẫn cố tình rửa mặt cho lũ TỘI ĐỒ DÂN TỘC csVN.
( "Một lời xin lỗi" CÓ, KHÔNG, ÍCH gì ???
Thật quá ngây thơ quá dại khờ
Còn nằm trong mộng ngủ trong mơ
Còn tin Việt cộng còn o bế
Còn cố bao che lũ giặc hồ
Đảng CƯỚP Việt gian, đảng TỘI ĐỒ
Giết Dân BÁN NƯỚC đại tham ô
Thờ tàu, đội hán, vô Tông Tổ
Bán nước buôn nòi thật nhuốc nhơ
TỘI ÁC Việt gian đã để mồ
Vẫn còn có kẻ muốn bưng bô
Quốc dân cả nước còn chưa xử
Ai dám thứ tha lũ ÁC ĐỒ ?
"Sai lầm" chi với lũ phi nhân
Đừng ba hoa giở trò ma cạo
"Xin lỗi" Quốc Dân để cố quyền
Bọn khốn kiếp chưa hề biết lỗi
Lũ cò mồi đã dọn đường hưu
Cả tay sai bắt bè bê đội
Cùng hứng tung :"ai chả lỗi lầm" !
Sai lầm chi cả trăm năm
Hành hạ, giết chóc, tuyệt mầm Dân Nam
Vô loài độc ác dã man
Trên đời chỉ có Việt gian đảng hồ
Chúng sống khỏe, Dân chết mòn
Diệt chủng kiểu mới là đòn chúng đi
Tinh vi rất mực tinh vi
Chúng còn cai trị, Dân thì diệt vong
Dân Việt phải nhớ nằm lòng
Cộng phỉ không phải con Rồng cháu Tiên
Bám đôn đế Mỹ, lòn trôn chuột tàu
MẤT DẠY là lũ quy đầu
Tiếp tay cộng đảng mưu cầu lợi danh
Mớm cho lũ giặc lưu manh
"Một Lời xin lỗi Quốc dân đồng bào" !?
Đúng là cái bọn hưu, ngao
Ngây ngô ngờ nghệch khác nào nai tơ
Hủy diệt Văn Hóa, Nhục lăng Ông Bà
Nhục Quốc Thể, Nhơ Nước Nhà
Mầm non đất nước nhiễm tà, lai căng
Sa đọa, nhục thể, loạn cuồng
Ăn chơi hưởng thụ như loài THÚ TÂN
Bán trôn, bán miệng, bán tâm
Nhầy nhụa ngụp lặn hoa trăng kiếp LỪA
Nhục nhằn dưới bóng "thiền" đưa
Của loài quỷ đỏ không chừa mưu ma
Còn đâu rường cột Quốc Gia
Chống giặc cứu nước giữ nhà Việt Nam ???
Biển Đông loan máu Lạc Hồng
Tàu giết dân Việt, đảng câm miệng chồn
Bán nước đảng ngậm bồ hòn
Từ trên xuống dưới lòn trôn thằng tàu
NHỤC thay hai chữ "sĩ phu"
Từ nam chí bắc ngục tù lương tri
Ngày xưa đứng "dậy mà đi"
Giết dân hại nước chỉ vì "lầm ta"
Ngày nay đã thấy rõ ra
Cộng đảng BÁN NƯỚC lại là "lầm tôi"
Thương thay cái lũ cò mồi
Chờ lời "xin lỗi" của loài dã nhân
Thương thay một lũ "sĩ" đần
Thậm thò thậm thụt chia phần đảng gian
TỘI ÁC Việt cộng đã làm
Uất ngập Non Thái Hờn tràn Biển Đông
Ố khí bao phủ Núi Sông
"Một lời xin lỗi" CÓ, KHÔNG, ÍCH gì ???
Thương thay "hữu trí" vô tri
Vô tình , hữu ý duy trì đảng gian
Bám quyền lực, giữ ngai vàng
Thương thay một lũ vong nô
Ngàn năm chữ NHỤC trên mồ: Việt gian .
Quốc dân Việt hãy đứng lên
Trị tội cộng đảng Việt gian TỘI ĐỒ
Quốc dân Việt hãy đứng lên
Diệt Cộng Cứu Nước Xây Nền Tự Do .
(Soi Dòng Sông Chữ Thấy Mù Tâm .. )
Ghi vội cảm nghĩ khi đọc một vài bài viết cũng như nghe một vài kẻ "sĩ" đợi, "sĩ" đờ, "sĩ" mờ .. chờ tập đoàn THÚ VẬT csVN nói lời "xin lỗi" dân tộc Việt Nam, thay vì phải kêu gọi Quốc dân đồng bào cùng đứng lên lật đổ lũ ÁC THÚ csVN này để tự giải thóat kiếp nô lệ cho mình và giữ gìn toàn vẹn Lãnh Thổ Giang Sơn Việt, rửa NHỤC cho Dân Tộc Việt và xây dựng lại một Nước Việt, không có lũ bán nước hại nòi làm nhơ danh người Việt là lũ THÚ VẬT csVN ..) .
Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm "conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog" .
Xin được lắng nghe những ý kiến đóng góp chia sẻ của quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk : 1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc .
Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị .
Tiểu Muội quantu
Nguyễn Hoài Trang
CSVN CƯỚP NƯỚC, Diệt Chủng, Phản Quốc, BÁN NƯỚC
Diệt Cộng Cứu Nước
Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm "conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog" .
Xin được lắng nghe những ý kiến đóng góp chia sẻ của quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk : 1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc .
Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị .
Tiểu Muội quantu
Nguyễn Hoài Trang
CSVN CƯỚP NƯỚC, Diệt Chủng, Phản Quốc, BÁN NƯỚC
Diệt Cộng Cứu Nước
Friday, May 07, 2010
Cái bã lợi danh đã ngậm rồi ..
Cái bã lợi danh quả lắm mùi
Ngậm vào (mà) không (thành) điếc (thì) cũng thành đui
Đội bô cộng sản không nghe thối
Lòn háng thằng hèn chẳng biết hôi
Cái bã lợi danh đã ngậm rồi
Nhà tan nước mất "chuyện người" thôi
"Dzăng đàn" đú đởn đua nhau cởi
Mở cửa tự do ngỏ "chuyện đời"
Cái bã lợi danh đã ngậm rồi
Lờ đờ "sĩ" đắc đạo đô đôi
Buôn ngôn bán ngữ nghề tôi mọi
Đội giặc ôm thù thú "sĩ" môi
Cái bã lợi danh đã ngấm rồi
Đầu lòn cổ rụt tước quyền soi
Luồn trôn giặc cộng làm nhân ngãi
Khấn gấu vong nô kiếm ghế ngồi
Cái bã lợi danh đã ngậm rồi ..
(Soi Dòng Sông Chữ Thấy Mù Tâm .. )
Tiểu Muội quantu
Nguyễn Hoài Trang
CSVN Cướp Nước, Diệt Chủng, Phản Quốc, BÁN NƯỚC
Diệt Cộng Cứu Nước
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Lại Trò Hề "Đối Thọai" !
Mõm rộng mồm to đo nhiệt huyết
Dương oai diệu võ đọ tài năng
Ba hoa xỏ lá phò "tranh đấu"
Vái giặc lạy thù phụ đánh trâu í lộn .. "đấu tranh" !
Đá, "ban", "miu", "mút" phô "quyền cước"
"Óp", "iếc", "điều hành" tranh "chức quan"
Tung hứng hò la ca "biểu quyết"
Trò hề "đối" nội, ngoại hai hàng !
Ngán ngẫm "đấu tranh" ngưu cứu giặc
Ê chề tranh đấu mã quy cừu
Thương thay "trí đủ" hè buôn "đối"
Tội quá "sĩ đờ" hối "thoại" mua
Ruồi muỗi từng đàn bơm "dân chủ"
Nhặng giòi từng bọn mớm "tự do"
Cộng nô phúc đức từ muôn thú
Bán nước buôn dân được chúng phò !
"Đối thọai" hay cò mồi đón gió
Hợp hòa hợp giải với vong nô
Cò mồi vô sỉ lòi đuôi đỏ
Hợp giải hợp hòa cứu cộng nô
Cộng sản Việt Nam quân bán nước
Tay sai đồng lõa lũ vong nô
Thương thay "trí đủ" đầu đi ngược
Tội quá "sĩ đờ" trượt bã đô
Trăm năm chữ NHỤC để mồ
Tiếp tay giúp giặc là đồ Việt gian
Vì danh, vị lợi, hai mang
Rửa mặt cộng đảng rõ ràng hôi tanh
Trở cờ đón gió lưu manh
Vì danh vì lợi "sĩ" đành lòn trôn
Trăm năm bia đá thì mòn
Ngàn năm bia miệng vẫn còn trơ trơ .
(Soi Dòng Sông Chữ Thấy Mù Tâm .. )
Chân thành cám ơn Quý Anh Chị ghé thăm "conbenho Nguyễn Hoài Trang Blog".
Xin được lắng nghe ý kiến chia sẻ của Quý Anh Chị trực tiếp tại Diễn Đàn Paltalk: 1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc .
Kính chúc Sức Khỏe Quý Anh Chị .
Tiểu Muội quantu
Nguyễn Hoài Trang
CSVN Cướp Nước, Diệt Chủng, Phản Quốc , BÁN NƯỚC
Diệt Cộng Cứu Nước
Monday, May 03, 2010
Vài ý kiến, nhận xét về "du học sinh" VN từ Diễn Đàn Paltalk: 1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc
(Ghi vội từ sinh hoạt ngày 04-5-2010)
Tre^n dd Paltalk hie^.n tho*`i ddang co' nhu*~ng y' kie^'n kha'c bie^.t ve^` phong tra`o du ho.c sinh vc ta.i ha?i ngoa.i, ca'c anh chi. nghi~ sao ?
(8:13 AM) ngay dai que huong: ndqh kho^ng nghi~ nguo`i mi`nh hie^?u va` bie^'t ve^` " du hoc sinh:. Kho^ng hie^?u hoa(.c hie^?u sai ne^n nhu*~ng gi` ho. no'i da so^' de^`u sai
(8:14 AM) ngay dai que huong: "du sinh hay du ho.c sinh VN " hie^.n nay kho^ng pha?i la` du ho.c sinh theo ca'i nghi~a bi`nh thu*o*`ng nhu* ta^'t ca? the^' gio*'i nghi~
(8:15 AM) ngay dai que huong: Thu*.c cha^'t cu?a ca'i ma` go.i la` "du sinh" hie^.n nay la`:
(8:15 AM) ngay dai que huong: con o^ng cha'u cha
(8:16 AM) ngay dai que huong: hoa.c ti. na.n kinh te^'
(8:16 AM) ngay dai que huong: hoa(.c ca'n bo^. vc
(8:16 AM) ngay dai que huong: hoa(.c nguo`i trong gia di`nh ta6?u ta'n ta`i sa?n
(8:17 AM) ngay dai que huong: No' kho^ng co`n mang y' nghi~a la` nguo`i di ho.c
(8:18 AM) ngay dai que huong: co' ra't nhie^`u du sinh di ra ngoa`i ho.c tu` nam lo'p 7
(8:19 AM) ngay dai que huong: co' nguo`i du ho.c de? ho.c lo*'p vo*~ lo`ng ESL
(8:20 AM) ngay dai que huong: Da so^' ho. la` nhu*~ng than`h pha^`n ho.c du*o*'i trung bi`nh. Khong pha?i la` thanh pha^`n tinh hoa du*o*.c tuye^?n cho.n nhu* theo nghi~a bi`nh thuo`ng cu?a du ho.c sinh
conbeQuetRac-: tien ddau ddi du hoc ?
conbeQuetRac-: neu khong phai con vc ?
(8:21 AM) ngay dai que huong: Ca'n bo^. va` ngay ca? da^n thuo`ng de^`u go?i con em ra nuo'c ngoa`i vi` mu.c di'ch tu* lo*.i rie^ng
conbeQuetRac-: hoa.c con nhung ke tiep tay voi vc dde lam gia`u
(8:21 AM) ngay dai que huong: du'ng va^.y
(8:22 AM) ngay dai que huong: Ne^'u no'i ve^` "du sinh" thi` m`inh pha?i ne^n hie^?u do' la` than`h pha^n` cha?ng di'nh lo'i gi` de^'n chuye^.n ho.c ha`nh. Ho. co' de^'n truo`ng ho.c cu~ng chi? la` bu'c bi`nh phong de^? ho.p le^. o? tren cac nuo'c kha'c
(8:23 AM) ngay dai que huong: lo'i= li'u
(8:26 AM) ngay dai que huong: nhu*~ng nguo`i thay vi` hay no'i, nha^.n xet , hoa(.c da.y do^~ du sinh thi` ne^n di ti`m hie^?u ve^` ho. thi` to^'t ho*n va` thu*.c te^' ho*n
(8:27 AM) ngay dai que huong: du sinh "kho^n" ga^'p va.n la^`n nhu*~ng nguo`i dang nha^.n xe't ve^` du sinh
(8:32 AM) ngay dai que huong: du sinh ra't la~o luye^.n ve^`: ca'ch thu*'c la`m ho^n thu' gia?, ca'ch ru*?a tie^`n, ca'ch kho^ng ho.c gio?i nhu*ng de^`u la^'y ba(`ng ca^'p du*o*.c de^? va^~n du*o*.c la` du sinh. Du sinh co`n ra^'t gio?i ve^` chi'nh tri. de^? du*o*.c an toa`n, thua^.n tie^.n di va` ve^` nu*o'c han`g na(m ......
conbeQuetRac-: bo.n na`y con rat gio?i trong Paltalk nu*~a
(8:33 AM) ngay dai que huong: Co' le~ du sinh ne^n da.y do^~ cho nhie^`u nguoi` mi`nh de^? nguo`i mi`nh kho^n ho*n ra du*o*.c
(8:36 AM) ngay dai que huong: than`h pha^`n du sinh du'ng nghi~a ho.c ha`nh chi? la thie^?u so^' ra't i't chu*a de^'n 10%
(8:38 AM) ngay dai que huong: co' nhu*~ng " du sinh" chi? mo*'i 17 tuo^?i nhu*ng ho. luo^`n la'ch, vu~ng va`ng va` bie^'t nhie^`u ca'c khe ho? lua.t pha'p ta.i ca'c quo^'c gia de^'n do^. mi`nh pha?i kinh nga.c
conbeQuetRac-: anh chi co nghi ho. co nguoi lo*'n be^n ca.nh o ha?i ngoa.i ?
(8:40 AM) ngay dai que huong: nguo`i lo*'n kho^ng ca^`n o? be^n ca.nh ho. da^u
conbeQuetRac-: vay ho dduoc huan luyen rat ky?
(8:41 AM) ngay dai que huong: cai do' kho^ng pha?i la` hua'n luye^.n ky~
conbeQuetRac-: ho co cong ddong hai ngoai giup ?
(8:41 AM) ngay dai que huong: nhu*~ng nguo`i da^n cu?a ca'c nuo'c sa?n ne^'u ma` ho. ga` mo*` thi` ho. da^u bao gio` lo.t du*o.c va`o nhu*~ng co* ho^.i to^'t cho ho,. duo.c
conbeQuetRac-: hay ho co' cai dda^`u cong sa?n giup ho. ?
(8:42 AM) ngay dai que huong: ho. lo.i cong do`ng hai ngoa`i thi` du'ng hon la` duo.c cong dong hai ngoai giup
conbeQuetRac-: dda^'y
conbeQuetRac-: ho. kho^ng nho*` thi cd cu~ng tinh nguyen nha?y vao giup' ho.
(8:43 AM) ngay dai que huong: nhu*~ng ngu`oi da^n cu?a cac nuo'c cong sa?n kho' ma` co' ai ngu trong vie.c tranh so'ng hoa.c muu lo.i ca' nhan
(8:45 AM) ngay dai que huong: Ho. co' the^? "ngu" trong vie.c i'ch nuo'c lo*.i da^n. Nhu*ng ho. tha`nh ye^u, than`h tinh de^? chen vai thich ca'ch ma` so'ng co`n trong bat ky` hoa`n ca?nh xa ho.i na`o. Ho. kho^ng ca^`n ai da.y kho^n ho. he^'t. Ne^'u ho. ngu thi` ho. da~ che^'t vi` xa ho.i cs do' ro^`i
(8:46 AM) ngay dai que huong: cd hay nha?y va`o giup vi` cd tuo?ng ho. ngu va` cd kho^n
conbeQuetRac-: vay thi nguoi NGU la` ca'c ong ca'c ba` "TRI' THU*'C" hai ngoai
conbeQuetRac-: cu*' va`o ca'i room nguoi viet no'i la'o se~ bie^'t
(8:48 AM) ngay dai que huong: Ha^`u he^'t ca'c gia di`nh ma` thanh pha^n` la` vuo.t bie^n truo'c kia , khi ho. giu'p con cha'u ci?a ho. la` ca'c du sinh de^`u bi. ca'c du sinh da' gio` la'i sau do'
(8:49 AM) ngay dai que huong: chu*a thanh co^ng da~ da' gio` la'i ro^`i vi `thu*.c su*. thi. ho. cu~ng da^u co' ca^`n su. giup do*~ ngoa.i tru` tho`i gian va`i tha'ng da^`u tie^n la. nuo'c la. ca'i
conbeQuetRac-: vay thi dda'ng nga.i ?
(8:51 AM) ngay dai que huong: ho. chi? da'ng nga.i khi nguo`i mi`nh tu. cho mi`nh la` kho^n va` cao ca? do`i da.y do^~ va `thuong ha.i du sinh
conbeQuetRac-: dda.c biet ca'c dda?ng phai, ddoan the chu? truong na`y
(8:52 AM) ngay dai que huong: nguo`i mi`nh co`n do`i di giao du.c bo.n la~nh da.o vc trong nuo'c nu*~a chu*' du sinh thi` da~ tha^'m gi`?
conbeQuetRac-: the moi biet ai NGU
(8:54 AM) ngay dai que huong: ha`u het de`u noi bo.n nguyen tan dung, nguyen minh triet...ngu do't co* ma`. Biet bao nhieu nguo`i co`n chi? ba?o da.y do^~ chu'ng no' ve` kinh te', dan chu?, ca'ch cho'ng bo.n ta`u co^.ng...
(8:56 AM) ngay dai que huong: kinh nghie.m giao tie'p voi "du sinh" thi` ndqh da~ co' tu*` 1987 va` hie.n nay va^~n dang con giao thie.p vo'i ca'c lo'p tre? mo'i va~n tie'p tu.c sang
conbeQuetRac-: thanh phan na`y chac chan se biet o*n vc nhieu
conbeQuetRac-: nho*` lu~ vc ma` ho. dduoc ra nuoc ngoai "du ho.c"
(8:58 AM) ngay dai que huong: du'ng nhu va.y
(8:58 AM) ngay dai que huong: hoan` ca?nh da^'t nuo'c hie^.n nay la` die`u kie.n to^'i ha?o cho ho.
conbeQuetRac-: qua' ddu'ng
(9:00 AM) ngay dai que huong: chu*a noi de'n thanh phan con em bo.n quan chu*'c vc ma` chi? no'i de^'n thanh pha^`n da^n thu*o*`ng co' tie^`n ba.c thi` hie^.n nay con so^' du sinh nhu* va.y chie^'m de^'n 60%
conbeQuetRac-: ca'c ong tung bi chu'nh ha`nh bay gio la.i muon ve lam dday to*' cho no'
conbeQuetRac-: thanh phan du sinh anh chi tiep xuc đa so la nguoi bac hay nam ?
(9:05 AM) ngay dai que huong: ho`i cuo^'i tha^.p ne^n 80 thi` ta^'t ca? de^`u la` con cha'u bo.n vc go^.c
conbeQuetRac-: nhu vay thanh phan ddo dda va ddang cung co cho csvn tai hai ngoai
conbeQuetRac-: va ddang pha hoai cd hai ngoai
(9:06 AM) ngay dai que huong: tho`i do' bo.n vc chi? cho con em cu?a chu'ng no' ra ngoa`i. Ba^y gio` thi` lo'p du sinh thoi` do' de^`u giu*~ chu'c vu. cu*.c cao trong guo^`ng ma'y tho^'ng tri. cu?a bon vc hie^.n nay
conbeQuetRac-: dday
(9:07 AM) ngay dai que huong: Co`n ba^y gio*` thi` thanh pha^`n phu*'c ta.p co`n ho*n thanh pha^n` vuot bie^n cu?a mi`nh
(9:08 AM) ngay dai que huong: nhu*ng du` phu*'c ta.p the^' na`o di nu*~a thi` co' the^? no'i to'm la.i la` ra^'t lo*.i cho bo.n vc va` ra't co' ha.i cho da^n to^.c VN no'i chung va` nguo`i hai ngoai noi rieng
(conbeQuetRac-: khong sai, du` tha`nh pha^`n na`o, ho. cu~ng dde^`u la`m lo*.i cho csvn .
(9:10 AM) *** ngay dai que huong has left the room ***
(Trên đây là vài ý kiến trong buổi sinh họat, được copy trực tiếp từ Diễn Đàn Paltalk: 1Latdo Tapdoan Vietgian CSVN Phanquoc Bannuoc .
cbQR xin post vào đây cho Quý Anh Chị cùng chia sẻ .
Kính mời Quý Anh Chị tiếp tục góp ý kiến .
Xin cám ơn Quý Anh Chị.
Tiểu Muội quantu
Nguyễn Hòai Trang
CSVN Cướp Nước, Diệt Chủng, Phản Quốc, BÁN NƯỚC
Diệt Cộng Cứu Nước
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